February 19th, 2005 (v0.77)
Found and fixed a bug that was causing "Runtime Error 9" at the end of the PREPARE phase.
Made a couple of (slight) adjustments to the OPV prediction code to try and make sizing more accurate.
Corrected an error in which the subtitles list box was not being disabled properly during execution. This could lead to changes during execution that might cause anomalous behavior.
Added code so the values selected for VTSs under "Disable Interlaced", "Resize to Half D1", and "Convert LB 4:3 to 16:9" (all under the "OPTIONS/AVS OPTIONS/ADVANCED (EXPERT) OPTIONS" are saved when set so they can be active during batch encoding. In order to protect against accidentally setting and forgetting them (causing unexpected results) , they will ONLY be activated when loading as a project("FILE/OPEN PROJECT") which includes loads in batch mode.
Fixed an error in which switching skins while encoding in batch mode might make the Batch list box unavailable.
February 13th, 2005 (v0.76)
Found and fixed an error that could cause "Runtime error '5'" during the rebuild phase.
Corrected an error in which the cell elapsed time was not being correctly entered in NAVPACKS. It was resetting back to zero for each segment (as opposed to each cell). This was reported to cause playback problems on some players. Hats off to gm901 for some outstanding beta testing and trouble reporting.
Corrected an error in which the bitrates reported in the status window were incorrect when sources were Prepared with "Dynamically Assign Cell Bitrates" turned off.
Added code to prevent the Q prediction routine from ever returning a value less than 1. Also fixed an error that could cause output from OPV to be oversized under some circumstances.
Corrected the opv_brate_max value so the that it is constrained by the sum of the audio tracks during Q prediction (as is true in the actual encoding). This could theoretically improve prediction accuracy.
Inserted code to recognize QuEnc v0.54 and not use the "-mpeg2mux" command line option (it causes a command line error).
Corrected an error associated with the -cmatrix or -qlb switches in QuEnc. The -cmatrix was not getting inserted on any versions other than v0.54.
Renamed the button for one-click mode from "Transcode" to "Backup DVD" -- the term "Transcode" was a source of confusion for some..
February 6th, 2005 (v0.75)
Found and fixed a bug that was causing "Runtime Error 9" at the end of the PREPARE phase.
Made a couple of (slight) adjustments to the OPV prediction code to try and make sizing more accurate.
Corrected an error in which the subtitles list box was not being disabled properly during execution. This could lead to changes during execution that might cause anomalous behavior.
Added code so the values selected for VTSs under "Disable Interlaced", "Resize to Half D1", and "Convert LB 4:3 to 16:9" (all under the "OPTIONS/AVS OPTIONS/ADVANCED (EXPERT) OPTIONS" are saved when set so they can be active during batch encoding. In order to protect against accidentally setting and forgetting them (causing unexpected results) , they will ONLY be activated when loading as a project("FILE/OPEN PROJECT") which includes loads in batch mode.
Fixed an error in which switching skins while encoding in batch mode might make the Batch list box unavailable.
February 1st, 2005 (v0.74)
Cool new interface. Again designed by Rockas and it takes better advantage of the available space and all functions are logically positioned. Make sure you select "Rewrite Defaults" from the "Skins" menu to take advantage of this interface.
Fixed an error in which OPV predictions on small files could get caught in a forever loop and end with an error '6'. The change in 0.73 that forced CBR encoding was not allowing the adjustments.
Fixed a minor error in which some qual_prec= settings in ECL files were being set to floating point values. Just a cleanup - no real effect.
Corrected a very elusive error related to flushing information at the end of cells -- could have been responsible for some possible stutter and audio drift.
Fixed an error in which the "Rewrite Defaults" function wasn't properly updating the graphics files.
January 29th, 2005 (v0.73)
Made code associated with timing adjustments more robust. This will fix many of the #0003, #0004 and #0006 errors experienced. It should also make DVD-RB more compatible with edited files from DVD ReMake and VOB Blanker.
Added code to trap certain error #52 and '5' conditions caused by an invalid path. These errors are related to DVD ISO images that have been mounted. Some DVDs apparently have hidden illegal file info that forces these errors and causes DVD-RB (and other software) to fail. It should work now.
Corrected an error in which null packets (generated by DVD Decrypter as a way of bypassing certain protection schemes) were incorrectly being inserted into the output stream causing Error #0003 (possibly other errors as well depending upon positioning).
Added a "BatchHeight=X" variable to the [MAIN] section of the Skin description. It makes it possible to relocate the batch box to the bottom of the screen (rather than only the right side). (Rockas rules).
Added additional QuEnc support making newer versions more compatible. DVD-RB now outputs command line parameters to prevent muxing, which is reported to have been related to errors.
Fixed an error in which the maximum bitrate was being incorrectly set at only 80% of the calculated value for PAL sources that were being encoded using OPV. Probably little/no impact -- but it's correct now.
Changed defaults so all segments with less than 60 frames are encoded using CBR. Previously this only applied to half-d1. It seems CCE may have problems applying VBR to some exceptionally small sources.
Added code to handle IFO cell table entries that reference sections of a VOB that is smaller than a cell (protection?) found on some recent DVDs (e.g. Resident Evil Apocalypse, The Forgotten). DVD-RB ensures the structure remains true to the original.
Moved the "Verbose Status Window" option to the "File" menu so it is grouped with the other status related options.
January 17th, 2005 (v0.72)
Fixed an error that causes CCE SP V2.50 to create an incorrectly formatted .ECL file and fail in the encoding phase under certain circumstances.
The GOP size for NTSC material that is not from a FILM source has been changed to default to 15 frames (rather than 12). This should improve quality at a given bitrate on NTSC sources that are interlaced and should be especially useful on episodic discs of television shows.
Made a correction to the quality prec value for CCE v2.70. The scale has been changed (again) in this CCE version. The scale is again set to 0-100.
Updated the SETUP and ABOUT screens with new images provided by Rockas. Now there is more room available for viewing paths in the "Rockas Original" SETUP screen. You must select "Rewrite Defaults" under the SKINS menu for this change to take effect.
January 15th, 2005 (v0.71)
Added support for CCE v2.70. This version of the encoder seems to have improved quality while also increasing speed. A new CCE option has been added to the "Options" menu called "CCE SP Trial" -- which must be used when using trial versions (now that they can accept .ECL files directly). "CCE SP Trial" uses the path specified for CCE SP.
Added an INI variable through which the header for "CCE SP Trial" .ECL files can be modified. The variable is called "CCE_Trial_Header" and it is located in the "Options" area of "REBUILDER.INI" (used for hacks). Default value is "; CCE SP Trial Version -- Encoder Control List".
The "AudioDub(Blankclip())" is not applicable to QuEncode now. The setting is ignored when QUENC is selected.
Fixed an issue with the progress bar in which it was not reset properly when changing skins during encoding.
Fixed an error in which the Batch Abort button could still disappear when using certain skins (e.g. Simple Blue). Also fixed missing "OK" buttons in "Simple Blue" skin.
A final minor adjustment was made to SCR calculation to ensure standard buffer limits are maintained.
December 24th, 2004 (v0.70)
Added a new option entitled "No Compression (100% Video)" under the "Mode" menu. This option will keep original video intact (no re-encoding) and only remove audio/subtitles as selected. This is meant for use with discs that are only slightly over DVD-5 size and can fit with audio removal. It is also a way in which previously created discs can be demuxed and remuxed to fix possible errors (for example buffer overflows or audio dropouts). This mode is very, very fast.
The default skin "Rockas Original" was completely reworked and is now even more cool than previously. My thanks to Rockas. Make sure to select "Rewrite Defaults" under the "Skins" menu for the fix to take effect.
Fixed an error in which a newer "Rockas Original" batch background was not correctly included in v0.69 -- which caused misplaced buttons and list box. Make sure to select "Rewrite Defaults" under the "Skins" menu for the fix to take effect.
Modified the One Pass VBR (OPV) prediction code to more accurately select Q values. The previous method tended to make output too small. Thanks to Robot1 for lending me his code to analyze.
Added a new default skin called "Simple Blue" It takes advantage of the standard background provided by Rockas. In order for this skin to be available you must select "Rewrite Defaults" under the "Skins" menu.
Fixed a "disappearing button" problem associated with the Batch "OK" button
Fixed an error in which changing skins while processing batch jobs could lock out the possibility of interrupting the program -- essentially locking out the user.
December 12th, 2004 (v0.69)
Modified the "working" directory selection algorithm so that when the "output" directory is not enabled it will be automatically updated to match that selected as "working".
Inserted code making any segment of 60 frames or less that is being encoded using Half-D1 outputs in CBR mode. This should eliminate the annoying "cce_encoding_init()failed" error that sometimes occurs.
Fixed the alignment error experienced in 0.68 on the setup screen when used with skins.
Modified the default skin used under "Rockas Original" -- Rockas has updated this skin with a little less brilliant colors and a nice textured finish. You will need to select "Rewrite Defaults" under the "Skins" menu for the new skin to take effect.
Further tweaked SCR calculations. This fix again adjusts the buffer algorithm further in the "less likely to overflow" direction.
Added capability so that audio selections are now saved in the Rebuilder.ini file in a manner similar to that used in project files. This makes it no longer necessary to reset your audio choices any time you stop and then restart DVD-RB.
December 5th, 2004 (v0.68)
Fixed an error in which the ReJig path box in the Setup Dialog could not be positioned properly in the Skin definition file.
Added "ProcoderTargetSectors=" option to the REBUILDER.INI file.
Changed the maximum frame count accepted per GOP during scanning to a ridiculously high number. While the DVD spec has a maximum of 18, at least one DVD was encountered that had a GOP of 47. This could be bad authoring, or an attempt to prevent backup. Either way -- it's gone now.
Fixed an error in which the .D2V file associated with DGDECODE was incorrectly listing PAL resolution as 720x480 (rather than 720x576). This appears to be purely cosmetic, as the statement appears to have had no negative impact.
Further tweaked SCR calculations. Based upon beta tester inputs it appears the changes in v0.67 fixed most but not all audio dropouts. This fix adjusts the buffer algorithm further in the "less likely to overflow" direction in an attempt to possibly eliminate these glitches.
Added a new item "Set Background Color" to the "Options" menu. This option will allow you to set and change the color of the background on the "Windows Standard" skin (or any other skin that doesn't include a graphic background). Please note that graphically oriented skins have fixed colors that will cannot be changed by this option.
Changed the way in which the ILVU_EXTRACT= parameter works. This is in preparation for some newer methods of handling multiple angles and ILVU sequences that are large.
November 7th, 2004 (v0.67)
Corrected an error that cause QuEnc to fail due to a "blank" .AVS filename.
Tweaked SCR calculations to more closely control STD Buffer size. This may reduce or eliminate reported audio dropouts on some players.
Added "Rewrite Defaults" option to the "Skins" menu. This will recreate the two standard interfaces in the Skins directory. The option is meant to provide a way to correct any mistakes created in editing the files. It can also be used to implement changes I may make to the standard interfaces.
Fixed an cosmetic error in which some residual color was included in "Folder" buttons.
Added control over placement of the Audio List, Sub list, DTS Checkbox, and MinCheckBox objects in the SETUP dialog box. These were inadvertently left out of the last version.
To enable the last two fixes -- YOU MUST SELECT "Rewrite Defaults" in the "Skins" menu so the latest definitions are updated.
October 31st, 2004 (v0.66a)
Fixed the Rebuilder form's header -- removed "3" from the title
Fixed an error in which the Subtitles list box wasn't visible and could not be accessed.
October 30th, 2004 (v0.66)
Corrected an error in which ReJig encoding failed during the "PREPARE" stage when working on a disc with ILVU and/or angles.
Corrected an error that incorrectly always set the "Aspect_Ratio=" variable in the .D2V file to 16:9. (No impact noted in previous version).
Found and fixed an error in which interleaved sources, under certain conditions could redirect the PREPARE and/or ENCODE date an incorrect directory.
Fixed an error in which Subtitles having an number higher than 9 would be incorrectly shown out of order in the "Subtitles to Keep" list box.
Added support for "Skins" -- user programmable definition files can be created that load backgrounds, set text, and allow you to customize the way you want DVD-RB to look. NOTE: When DVD-RB is executed it will automatically create a SKINS directory within it's execution path! Several default files will then be created in that directory... these files define the default skins. Two defaults are provide. "Rockas Original" is the interface you've seen, as it was released in version 0.65. Also provide as a default is "Windows Standard" which is very similar to what you would have seen in version 0.64a. You can modify them, customize them, do whatever you want... but remember if you ever run into problems you can always delete the files -- and DVD-RB will recreate them the next time it is executed. You can use the two default skins as a baseline for new ones you create. Simply copy the files, rename, and modify and you can play to your heart's content. The name you use (e.g. "My Skin.txt") when creating a new file, will be added to the "Skins" menu the next time DVD-RB is executed. The SKIN code is new -- so some beta problems and feedback is expected. Enjoy.
October 17th, 2004 (v0.65 - FIRST VIP Release)
Integrated an exciting new visual interface designed by Rockas. Thanks, my friend. May the road rise up to meet you, and the wind be always at your back. This interface is the first step in enabling "skin" capability for DVD-RB.
Multiple angles and ILVU (Interleaved VOBU Units) are now supported. The method used has worked successfully on all multiangle and seamless branching discs I've tested to date.
Note: The greatest challenge I've run into with multiple angles and ILVU is that they are already pretty tightly bitrate bound -- and any smaller sizing at all seems to noticeably degrade the quality. So for this version I've decided to not further compress the ILVU portion of a film. In my testing it has shown to not be worth the quality loss -- the largest ILVU portion of a film I've found is the Matrix, and it is too small to have any significant impact on available bitrate. I can readdress if anyone finds a DVD in which this isn't the case.
Fixed an error in which the "Steal Space From Extras" settings were not loading properly from .RBD files during batch encoding.
Added a new selection list to the main screen so subpicture streams can now be individually selected. Be careful when removing subpictures, especially when they are shown as "Unk" -- some special features (e.g. "follow the rabbit") rely on subpictures.
October 14th, 2004 (v0.64)
Added support for DGDECODE.DLL. This is a newer, more accurate, and faster version of MPEG3DEC3DG.DLL. In order to use it, download DGMPGDec from the Doom9 site (the only required portion of the .ZIP file is DGDECODE.DLL. You must point to the file from DVD-RB's "Setup" dialog. The MPEG2DEC3 path area name has been changed to "DECODER". NOTE: In order to use DGDECODE.DLL you MUST point to it in the DECODER area of the setup dialog and it must not be renamed (from DGDECODE.DLL). DVD-RB will default to MPEG2DEC3DG.DLL. Hats off to Neuron2 (Donald Graft) who is an MPEG Maestro.
Removed the "Add to AVS" checkbox from the setup screen. It was a source of confusion and probably should never have been implemented. If you enter a path in the "Path to Decoder" box -- it will be loaded in every AVS file.
Created a new option under the "Mode" menu that allows you to use a different "Output" path. When selected, the output of VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders will be sent to that path rather than the "Working Path." This allows users who are low on drive space and have more than one drive to write to two different areas. It also cleans the output up a little -- reducing confusion as to which directories should be burned. You burn only what is in the output directory. If may also increase the rebuild speed. If the option is deselected, DVD-RB will work as it always has -- writing all output to the "Working Path."
Fixed an error in "Batch" mode in which some parameters from the saved .RDB file were being loaded and set incorrectly.
Note: It continues to be my intention to provide this package as freeware. But, due to the exceptionally poor donation response (less than 1 out of every 800 users) and my belief that I should somehow reward those to took the time and effort to contribute to this project, either through donation or extraordinary testing support -- in the future all new releases will be made to a list of VIPs/donators first. After a 30 day period that version will be released in a "public" version. Those who helped through donations and special beta support deserve recognition. This is my way of saying "Thanks." THE FIRST DONATOR RELEASE (IN A COUPLE OF DAYS) WILL SUPPORT MULTIPLE ANGLES AND ILVU (I've completed it and am testing it now).
October 4th, 2004 (v0.63a)
Disabled runt VOBU code for more testing. It appears to have caused more problems then it solved.
October 3rd, 2004 (v0.63)
Corrected rebuilding code to prevent "runt" VOBUs (less than .4 seconds). This will bring the newly authored stream more tightly into compliance with DVD standards. This is KNOWN to have caused audio/video stutter on some DVDs.
Added support for Canopus ProCoder through Robot1's EclPro utility. Nice work Robot1, you continue to provide outstanding support to the DVD community!
Modified the maximum bitrate on output so it lowers to accommodate large and multiple audio tracks. This should help to keep the bitrate bursts under DVD maximums. Maximum bitrate is now set to MAXBITRATE - AudBitrate -- so using the default it would be 9,000Kbs - AudBitrate. Note that DVD standard is no greater than 9,800Kbs for video and no more than 10,008Kbs total audio/video/subs.
Corrected a bug introduced in v0.61 related to audio/video sync. This could have caused stutter and audio dropout on some DVDs. An option has been added to the "Options" menu called "Special Error Avoidance" for special cases in which certain #0003 or #0004 errors are encountered -- this is temporary and will be removed in future versions. It is recommended that this option only be used as a last resort after you've encountered one of these errors -- and not before, as it can cause other unpleasant effects. This option ONLY affects the rebuild phase. It is meant to counter what appears to be bad source timing parameters.
September 22nd, 2004 (v0.62)
Added an option under the "Help" menu that will display the versions of support software you are using.
Inserted code to modify the sequence header extension on NTSC telecined titles so that the progressive flag will set to 0 -- this was noted as a problem associated with QuEnc. Please note that this DOES NOT mean progressive streams will not be recognized and played as progressive.
September 20th, 2004 (v0.61)
Found and corrected a cause of Error #0003 and #0004. This should fix most of the reports associated with these errors.
(v0.60a & b) Corrected an error in how ECLs for CCE v2.67.0.27 Trial was handled with ECLCCE.
September 18th, 2004 (v0.60)
IMPORTANT FIX: Corrected an error in SCR/PTS computation for audio and sub- picture streams. Likely symptoms of the problem that was fixed is audio dropouts, and stutter. It may also have and affect on Error #0003, and Error #0004. My thanks to fritzdis and Sir Didymus for helping find this. Note: Do not simply try to "REBUILD" old sources, this fix includes a change in the " PREPARE" phase.
Corrected implementation of version checking for CCE. v0.59 made an assumption that new CCE ECL changes applied to all 2.67 SP Retail versions. It has been modified to now only apply to CCE SP Retail v2.67.0.27.
Corrected a problem in which reopening DVD-RB after receiving a "..multiangles" error would allow it to process the selected fileset -- even though it would always result in an error.
Fixed an error in which the last audio pack within a VTS was not being written to the output stream. This could cut a very tiny (~40ms) from the very end of a movie. Thanks to totya for pointing this one out.
September 11th, 2004 (v0.59)
Found an additional System Clock Reference (SCR) error that caused some NAVPACKS (immediately following a sound or subpicture packet) to not comply with the DVD minimum spacing standard. This, depending upon the player, could theoretically cause any of a number of audio, video, or timing problems. This has the potential of being a very big correction. A special thanks again to Sir Didymus and the Doom9 beta testers.
Fixed an error that was responsible for random but rare #0003 errors depending upon original source timing characteristics).
Added code that forces GOPSIZE to a DVD standard when using QuEnc.
Fixed a problem in which version update checks were not being recorded when changed in the SETUP dialog (only on startup).
Fixed an error related to PES headers in which the P-STD Buffer size data was not being properly set at the beginning of each data stream.
Corrected an error in which stuffing bytes at the end of a stream could overwrite PES header data (a million to one -- but possible).
Added two more choices to the "QuEnc Options" menu. You can now choose to enable High Quality Mode (slow but very impressive quality) and "Use Scene Detection" which makes intelligent decisions as to where to break GOPs. For those who haven't tried QuEnc... it has become the highest quality encoder available as freeware -- and outdoes most of the costly alternatives. Hats off to Nic and dragongodz.
September 8th, 2004 (v0.58)
Found and fixed a source of Error code '9' that can occur immediately at the start of an encode.
Made changes to the output ECL formats so CCE SP version 2.67.xx.xx retail versions are supported. Please note that SP 2.67.xx.xx Trial version will only work with ECLCCE.EXE. Do NOT attempt to use ECLCCE.EXE with the retail version of 2.67.xx.xx -- it isn't needed, and doesn't work.
Found and fixed an error in which certain circumstances could cause illegal System Clock Reference (SCR) values near the end of some cells. This could very possibly have caused audio problems and/or video problems on some standalone units. Special thanks to Sir Didymus for identifying this problem.
September 3rd, 2004 (v0.57a)
Corrected a buffering problem associated with the "Status Logging" output
The fix related to audio dropouts in v0.57a seems to have made the problem more pronounced. It has been reversed until it can be more accurately studied.
August 29th, 2004 (v0.57)
Updated code for compatibility with QuEnc 0.52 and above. The KVCD command line logic has been replaced by the QuEnc Lower Bitrate (QLB) Matrix option. Older versions of QuEnc will no longer be supported and will get an error if use is attempted. QuEnc 0.52+ is free and is easily found on the net.
Corrected an error in which the progressive flag was not being set correctly during rebuild when "Deinterlace with Decomb" is selected. Also please note that if the input stream is already identified as progressive, the deinterlacing filter will not be added to the associated .AVS file.
Modified SCR algorithm to more accurately reproduce the SCR/PTS structure of the original disc.
Made a timing correction that may affect possible audio dropouts. It also may reduce (but not eliminate) the likelihood of encountering an error #0003 or #0004 on preprocessed (3rd party edited) streams.
Fixed an error in which the "Disable Interlaced" was correctly re-encoding the as progressive -- but was incorrectly reinserting the original flags on rebuild.
Add a "Status Logging On" switch to the file menu. When checked, anything that is output to the status box is also echoed to the log file. The file, called "rebuilder.log" is created in the directory specified in "Working Path" -- it no path is specified it is created in the root of the C:\ directory. The file location is changed whenever a new working path is specified (for example when running a batch job). This should be helpful in debugging problems that might cause DVD-RB to exit abruptly.
July 24th, 2004 (v0.56)
Fixed an error in which VTSs with very few frames could result in Error Code '6' when using OPV mode. These now default to a Q Factor of 10.
Changed the size of the "Source Path" and "Working Path" areas so longer filenames can be viewed.
Fixed and error in which the PTM of the last frame of the last GOP of a VOB was sometimes incorrectly calculated and placed in NAVPACKS. This, very possibly, was the cause of reported "freezing" on some Sony players.
July 5th, 2004 (v0.55a and 0.55b)
Corrected an oversight that has been in the program since v0.36. Subtitle streams were not being updated in the IFO PGC tables when converting from 4:3 to 16:9. The result was the inability to view any but the first subtitle (when a 4:3->16:9 conversion was done). (0.55a)
Implemented code that corrects the way selected audio streams are saved and recovered in project files. Now any non-standard (different from that recorded in the setup configuration) audio choice is recalled on project load. This also works in batch mode.
July 4th, 2004 (v0.55)
Fixed an error that made DVD-RB fail to run in Windows 98 and SE versions. It should now work properly on all versions of Windows. Thanks to turbodpv for catching this -- and to wmansir for his help in identifying the cause.
Adjusted the OPV calculation so that it better predicts size.
Fixed an error in which the reallocation of recovered space associated with "Half-D1/Half Space" and/or "Steal Space from Extras" was not being allocated correctly with certain combinations of the switches. This was the cause for reported oversizing/undersizing.
Added informational parameters to the REBUILDER.INF file related to original DVD overall and VTS sizes (in sectors) for use by helper applications.
June 26th, 2004 (v0.54)
Corrected error in which the "all contents of VIDEO_TS..." message was not suppressed when "Suppress Warning Prompts" was selected. Thx to jhmac.
Changed output to .ECL files so "seq_endcode=1" is set for still frames this has been reported to fix problems associated with stills and BOV. Thanks to wmansir and Sir Didymus for researching, finding, and testing this fix.
Corrected an error associated with CCE Basic that caused a "CCE encoding failed: MPVA ... qsv 112 > 112" -- caused by an average bitrate that was calculated to an exceptionally low value.
Fixed an error in which only the last two digits of the segment number were displaying in the status window. Thanks to jptheripper for catching this.
Fixed error in which the "Shutdown" options were not working correctly with Windows 2000 computers (stopped at the "SAFE TO REMOVE POWER" prompt). Thanks to archaeo for pointing out this error.
June 21st, 2004 (v0.53a)
IMPORTANT BUG FIX. Fixed an error in which original (unchanged) files were not being copied correctly into the destination directory. This could cause created directories to fail upon write.
June 20th, 2004 (v0.53)
Corrected an error in which the prediction phase of OPV could get into a continuous loop when a change in Q of 1 might result in an output that was still not within 1% of the target.
Changed logic so all still frames are output as Constant Bitrate (CBR) in an attempt to correct some persistent CCE related still/BOV problems.
The "Quality_Prec=" value set in the CCE settings dialog is now also used to adjust the "pict_qchar" value that has been introduced to CCE Basic starting with version 2.69. Please note that (as in CCE SP 2.50) the value is scaled between 0-64 (to match newer versions of CCE SP) and will be converted to a value of 0-100 when written to the ECL file.
Corrected an error in which the "Steal Space From Extras" options were showing as having an effect (messages were presented) when "Dynamically Assign..." was not selected. The "Steal" option only works with "Dynamic..." is selected.
Set several "warning" messages so they would not display during batch mode encodes (follows the same logic as having the "No warning" flag set).
Adjusted audio and subtitle language tables to account for apparent differences between the current ISO and DVD standards. Two types of codes (old and new) are accepted for Hebrew ("he" and "iw"), Indonesian ("id" and "in"), and Yiddish ("yi" and "ji"). Thanks to HARM for pointing out this inconsistency.
June 6th, 2004 (v0.52)
Corrected an error in NAVPACK processing that may be the source of at least some of the subtitle problems some have reported with certain players. The PTM of the first and last frame in a VOB was not being correctly updated.
Implemented improvements to OPV algorithms. Now have more consistently accurate prediction of filesize and predictions are now made in fewer passes (2-3). As there are typically fewer passes now, the default sampling percentage has been increased from .5 to 1 for improved accuracy. Also added two INI entries: Q_sample_percentage=n (default is 1, can be set to any value from .1 - 25), and Q_ROM_constant=n (default is 256, with max/min of 300/200. You may be able to get better accuracy in some cases with Q_sample_percentage set to values higher than default -- but it will in turn add significantly more time to the prediction process and the PREPARE phase. Q_ROM_constant is used to estimate a Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) Q value for the first pass using the formula:
Q = (framecount / targetsectors) * Q_ROM_Constant
A special thanks to tylo, author of D2SRoBa, for reviewing the DVD-RB algorithm and recommending some excellent improvements.
Added an "Are you sure you want to abort?" prompt during encoding to help prevent accidentally aborting when doing other work while an encoding session is taking place.
June 2nd, 2004 (v0.51c)
Corrected a problem in which, if you did not go into the setup screen and specifically choose default subpictures to remove, all were removed. Bad day.
Added an Expert AVS option in which you can add text that will be added to AVS files. This is meant to support filters -- but can also be used to activate other AVISYNTH commands. This is an EXPERT OPTION. If you are not intimately familiar with AVISYNTH... leave it alone. It can make your encodes fail completely if incorrectly used. Note: Don't use blank lines.
May 31st, 2004 (v0.51b)
Modified One Pass VBR mode so it recovers sectors associated with Reduce By and Half-D1/Half-Size options. The recovered sectors are now added to the target sector size associated with the main movie VTS.
Fixed error in which the maximum bitrate was not being set for PAL interlaced output. Thanks to Amenophis for finding this.
Modified the rough order of magnitude calculation for beginning Q in OPV. It should take fewer prediction passes (on average).
May 30th, 2004 (v0.51)
Added Subtitle removal to the SETUP dialog. You can now make a global choice as to which subtitles remain or get removed. Space recovered from removed subpictures is reallocated to the main movie (as is true with audio). In this version the subtitles will still exist in the IFO files -- but are removed from the VTSs. Future versions may remove them from the IFO as well.
The bitrate fix in v0.50 was incorrectly implemented. Progressive and PAL sources were getting maximum bitrate reductions while those that should have been receiving the reduction were not getting it. Thanks to Brikin and The_Flash.
Enabled the "Steal Space from Extras" option. This option allows you to improve your main movie quality by reducing the quality of extras. It works by taking storage space (25%, 33%, or 50%) from whatever is in use by the extra and then reallocating it to the movie. Please be careful in using this option -- as it can very easily degrade the quality of extras to an unacceptable level. It is really meant to be used when extras take a LOT of space on the original disc. Also please note that the reallocation of space happens BEFORE other options -- so, for example, if you choose Half-D1/Half-Space and also choose 50% reduction, the Half-D1 size will be halved twice -- resulting in a Half-D1/One-Quarter space. This option is only valid when the "Dynamically Assign Cell Bitrates" option is
May 23rd, 2004 (v0.50)
Corrected an error in which the maximum bitrate could peak higher than that set in the max_bitrate setting when working with interlaced sources. This is highly likely to have been the source of infrequent frame stutters at high demand points in encoding. The problem is the result of DVD-RB's inherent method of feeding frames to CCE and QuEnc. Please note that if you browse the .ECL files for interlaced sources, they will now show a vbr_brate_max= value that is 80% of the default setting -- do not change it. It is right, and the resulting stream (after processing) will still match the max value. Excellent observation by Trahald.
Added a One Pass VBR mode for those who are using CCE SP. It performs a sampling pass (1%) during PREPARE phase that predicts an appropriate Q rating based upon the space available. That Q is then used for a one pass encode. Total time for an encode is reduced dramatically while quality is maintained at a known level. This is the first iteration of this set of routines and its still being tested,
so some level of sizing error is expected. Please provide feedback in the DOOM9 Rebuilder forum.
Fixed an error in which answering "No." to "Continue" in the PREPARE phase would result in the encode and rebuild buttons remaining disabled (regardless of their previous state). Thanks to wgw for finding this one.
Added more timestamps to the Status messages to make it easier to determine the lengths and times of different activities.
Fixed an error in which having "Shutdown at One-Click Completion" selected while using batch mode would terminate Rebuilder after the first batch job. Added a "Batch Shutdown" option to the "File" menu that now the system can be set to shutdown following a batch run. The setting is NOT saved to INI and will not be persistent across program runs (purposefully).
0.50a and 0.50b each improved accuracy of OPV mode.
May 15th, 2004 (v0.49)
Fixed an error that could cause audio drift over time, cell audio moving out of sync, and also was responsible for some (rare) "freezing" chapters. Thanks to Djuby for pointing out a disc through which it was repeatable.
Fixed a minor error in which during save the wrong extension is shown (".RBD" showed as ".RDB").
Corrected processing of Project Files. When loading the status (such as noting that PREPARE is complete) was not retained and updated. Thanks to maksa for pointing these last two out.
May 12th, 2004 (v0.48)
Corrected an error related to fast forwarding and rewinding through chapter points. The first entry in any Cell for DSI was not correctly flagging time offsets that had no prior VOBU. My thanks to Sir Didymus for finding and pointing out this error. Extraordinary beta testing!
Added support for the "-maxbitrate" option to all QuEnc encode command lines. The value is set to the DVD-RB default of "9000" unless changed via the "max_bitrate=" INI option. This might fix some of the stuttering errors seen when using QuEnc.
Enabled checking that disallows mismatching of modes between the PREPARE and ENCODE phases.
Fixed an error in which "IDCT7" was not being properly applied when selected. Thanks to djan for discovering this bug.
May 8th, 2004 (v0.47)
Updated code so subtitle support is more properly implemented. This should fix most (if not all) of the problems associated with non-displaying subtitles.
Again tweaked the monitoring of CCE to try and improve performance on multi-threading processors. The parameters posted with 0.46 were too conservative.
Added automatic addition of the -interlaced or -nointerlaced command line option to QuEnc. The determination is based upon data found in DVD-RB's PREPARE phase.
Added an option under the AVS advanced menu setting MPEG2SOURCE("source",idct=7) as a possible default.
Fixed an error that caused incorrect calculation when Half-D1/Half Size option is selected. This generally resulted in undersized output.
Fixed an error in which the "Targetsectors=" INI command was not being used to establish a default when targets were not established for the selected encoder.
Other minor corrections and optimizations were made.
Apr 25th, 2004 (v0.45)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Ensure you are using DVD Decrypter version or above. Version (and possibly below) in ISO mode can cause "illegal input stream", "no I-Frame for 51 frames", and "Runtime Error '9'" due to a bug in it's ISO mode processing.
Corrected Error Code #0004. Rebuilt the NAVPACK decision engine to it handles large streams of non-video data that is sometimes associated with STILLs.
Modified the Half-D1 output for interlaced output so fields are separated prior to resizing and weaved back together after resizing. It should make for a more accurate representation of the source material.
Found a error that could cause DVD-RB to exit with Runtime Error '9' when it encountered an illegal input stream. The error is now properly recognized and DVD-RB gracefully aborts the PREPARE process.
Added an option under QuEnc that enables single-pass encode as an option.
Modified the source to take advantage of the new QuEnc version Nic has released (v0.47). This version that supports better DVD-RB control over options -- they can now be reset after setting (Trellis, KVCD, and 2-pass).
Added a "Shutdown at One Click Completion" mode item. The state of this flag is not kept between program runs. It will do a Windows Shutdown at the completion of the next One-Click execution. A 10 Second warning window enables cancellation before shutdown.
Numerous other minor changes, enhancements, and bug fixes including modified handling of some sound and still images.
Apr 22nd, 2004 (v0.44)
Fixed "Error '75'" that occurred when using mounted DVDs.
Apr 21st, 2004 (v0.43)
Added a new feature under the "Mode" menu called "Half-D1 and Half Space for Extras". This feature, when checked, will resize any extras (that are outside the main [largest] VTS) to Half-D1 and will also half the allocated bitrate for them. The "recovered" space will be allocated to the main VTS. For movies with a lot of extras this can significantly improve the bitrate for the main movie. The new option will NOT work with ReJig for obvious reasons (ReJig is a transcoder and cannot resize the source).
Corrected an error in which LPCM audio that was selected for removal was not properly flagged and removed.
Change the default value for "Dynamically Assign Cell Bitrates" (DACB) to true (checked). Note that this only affects the default, if you have selected or deselected this option and it is stored in the INI file -- the value will still be set to your last selection. Reasoning: DACB just does a better job of properly allocating space and bitrate. Also disabled this option when ReJig is selected (it has no affect in ReJig mode, bitrate is proportional anyway).
Apr 19th, 2004 (v0.42)
Important update: Corrected a bug in which TFF/RFF flags could be set incorrectly on in some frames. This error would have resulted in a single frame "stutter" that might randomly occur throughout the video.
Found and corrected a bug in which streams of pictures that were marked as interlaced in the original VTSs could be mistakenly marked as progressive upon REBUILD. A special thanks to Alex Z for helping identify these two bugs.
Based upon some good advice from DDogg and others I have changes the default values for bias to 25 quality_prec to 16.
Apr 17th, 2004 (v0.41)
Corrected an bug that occurred when VTSs started off with SCRs other than zero that would have resulted 0003 and 0004 errors.
Inserted code to remove the incorrectly coined "Layer Breaks" -- the annoying pause the happens when the original DVD would reach the point at which it switches layers. It, of course, isn't needed on a DVD-5.
Added the "Average Bitrate" to the final summary line in each PREPARE and to the batch summary.
Apr 16th, 2004 (v0.40)
Found and corrected what may have been the cause of the "stutter" at chapter points on some players. The error corrected was related to an incorrect GOP timestamp being inserted in the first GOP of every cell. This may have also contributed to the reported display time showing incorrectly when rewinding through chapter points on some players. My thanks to RB (again) for his knowledge and insight.
Modified the Disable "Interlaced" option. It is now set individually for each modifiable VTS. When this is set the source for the selected VTS will be treated as progressive -- meaning "interlaced=true" will not be added to the ConvertToYUY() line, Zig-Zag encoding will be used, and the progressive flag
will be set.
Fixed an error associated with Half-D1 that caused the .ECL files to not correctly reflect the horizontal resolution as selected in the Half-D1 menu.
Fixed Runtime Error '5' error that happened in REBUILD phase.
Added a QuEnc Options item (why didn't I have one before?) and included two options "Trellis Quantization" and "KVCD Notch Matrix"
Inserted code to prevent individual failed jobs from aborting an entire set of batch jobs (when in Batch Mode)
The DVD compliant flag is now set for all CCE encodes except when Half-D1 is selected.
Apr 15th, 2004 (v0.39)
Fixed a bug in which LPCM that was deselected (chosen to be removed) was not being properly removed or calculated for removal.
Fixed an error related to field based stream processing. This should eliminate many if not all of the "Error code '9'" messages received in the PREPARE phase. A special thanks to Msc_Alex and RB for helping solve this one.
Added an INI option making it possible to set the minimum and maximum bitrates when doing CCE VBR encoding. They are min_bitrate=nnnn and max_bitrate=nnnn (in Kbps. Example: max_bitrate=9000). Just set them under [Options] in REBUILDER.INI. No error checking is done on the numbers so take care. This should be changed only by advanced users as setting them incorrectly can seriously degrade the quality of the picture. Also note that changing them can cause oversized or undersized output.
Implemented new code for handling BFF sources. Instead of converting to TFF as was done in v0.38, this version duplicates the original more closely (if the source cell was bottom field first, the newly created cell will be also.
Changed logic in batch mode so the status window isn't cleared for each job and all activity can be printed or reviewed upon completion.
Apr 14th, 2004 (v0.38)
Added code to support "Stop/Pause" function during encode phase. If you stop an encode and then restart, you will be prompted as to whether you wish to continue after the last successful segment, or at the beginning. Please note that if you are running in "Batch" mode -- no prompt will be given and all jobs start at the beginning.
Added the "offset_line=" to ECL files created under the "CCE SP v2.66+" option, versions 2.67 and above use this instead of "top_first=" -- note that when choosing that option both parameters will be included in the .ECL. On the Version 2.66 SP that I've tested (demo with eclCCE) it doesn't seem to hurt to have the additional parameter in the file. My wish is that they would stop changing parameters and keep upward compatibility in their ECLs.
Added a sanity check for PREPARE phase to stop bombing when the source or destination fields are empty.
Fixed bug that was related to sources that use Bottom Field First with CCE. The "ghosting" and strange motion should be gone now.
Apr 14th, 2004 (v0.37a)
Fixed error in which encoding was prevented by the "wrong encoder" error message.
Fixed a bug in which attempting to abort an encode could cause a program bomb.
Apr 13th, 2004 (v0.36)
Added an "Advanced" option in which the "interlaced=true" parameter of ConvertToYUY2() can be disabled. Also moved the DECOMB, 4:3->16:9, and Half-D1 options into the advanced area.
Added additional helpful data to the VTS list box. It now tells you the size of the VTS (including menus) and the aspect ratio.
Fixed (again) an error that was causing 16:9 flags in the IFO to not be updated correctly when using the Convert 4:3->16:9 option.
Inserted code that does a sanity check before starting encoding to make sure the "PREPARE" pass was performed in the same mode (CCE, ReJig, QuEnc).
Found and corrected a minor timing error associated with PTS. This may have an affect on reported chapter point "stuttering" -- but work continues.
Apr 12th, 2004 (v0.35)
Found and fixed an error in the audio masking routines. On certain DVDs the audio was being incorrectly removed on higher numbered VTSs.
Fixed an idiotic bug in which ReJig was getting stuck in a forever loop while processing cell files.
Apr 11th, 2004 (v0.34)
Fixed an error in which the input resolution as specified in the IFO file was not being updated when a VTS was converted to Half-D1 and the 16:9 flag was set incorrectly
Apr 10th, 2004 (v0.33)
Many very large changes and significant enhancements in this version.
Implemented code that handles STILL frames. Eliminates most if not all of the "0004" error codes.
Corrected an error that would cause significant output undersizing when using cell-dynamic bitrate allocation.
Fixed error in which selected AudioDub(BlankClip())was not properly working upon program load.
Inserted code that captures and retains the original state of progress_flag, TFF, and RFF so they can be applied exactly in the rebuild phase. Previously they had been added independently. This should assure a more accurate reproduction of the original DVD.
Removed the "Automatic FILM" and "Force FILM" options. These were previously used to make a decision (familiar to old CCE method users) as to whether to create an output of 23.976 or 29.97 at the cell level (for either telecining or not telecining for NTSC users). DVD-RB now keeps the original frame structure intact through all three phases -- eliminating annoying conversion errors. These manifest themselves as either a combed appearance on telecined-to-standard or occasional frame jumps on standard-to-telecined conversions. Mixes of the two in the same Cell are no longer a problem. The "AutoFILM Threshold" parameter has also been removed for the same reason.
Only one .D2V file is written now due to the two changes above so all files refer to the same .D2V. Note: All frame rates for NTSC will list in the D2V file as 23976 regardless of original -- it truly has no purpose in the new method as all frames are treated equally -- please don't change it, as CCE and other encoders can abort on illegal values.
Encoding speeds for FILM sources should increase through MPEGDEC3DG.DLL due to a reduced complexity in the source stream. My experience is that it improves by about 15% (I went from 1.75 to 2.16). Note that non-telecined source speeds may also appear to increase on NTSC sources due to the fixed 23.976 feeder framerate -- but in reality remain the same (although the CCE "Speed:" scale will appear higher -- the "Elapsed Time:" remains the same).
Added summary report for each PREPARE that informs you of the maximum and minimum bitrates calculated by cell. Also summarized time in minutes, high bitrate, and low bitrate (per cell) for all batch jobs.
Fixed an error in which DVD-RB would bomb and abort if the source path is not available during startup. The problem was usually caused by setting the source path to a mountable drive that had been unmounted between DVD-RB runs.
Fixed an error that was causing a partial frame to be present at the start of each VTS when performing a ReJig encode. The error was caused by DVD-RB's demuxing routing. It is usually seen as a greenish flash and a possible stutter at the start of a chapter.
Added code the makes it possible to choose which VTSs you want to apply the 4:3->16:9 conversion and also the Half-D1 option. I purposely made it so it doesn't stick between encodes -- nothing is more annoying than waiting 5 hours only to find out you accidentally did a Half-D1 encode.
Apr 4th, 2004 (v0.31)
Fixed an error that prevented "AudioDub(BlankClip()) from loading in AVSs. also fixed some errors in the decision mechanism as to what goes in an AVS.
Modified the way in which INTERLACED and PROGRESSIVE streams are detected. Now PAL CELLS must have 90% of the frames flagged as PROGRESSIVE to be treated as such.
Path to DECOMB.DLL is no longer required to use Decomb Option (it assumes it is in the AVISYNTH Plugin directory) Note, though that it will only be included on interlaced sources.
Apr 4th, 2004 (v0.30)
BIG FIX. Found and corrected the error that was causing occasional audio dropouts at chapter/cell points. This is very likely also the culprit for the reported slight stuttering at chapter/cell points (although I can't verify that as I haven't been able to repeat it). A very special thanks to Pedro Gouveia, who is a beta-tester extraordinaire.
Another important fix for PAL users. v0.29 injected an error that caused incorrect settings to be used in the stream. This could cause some very strange playback problems.
Fixed a silly bug in which the path display areas for CCENEW and CCE 250 were reversed. (v0.29b)
Fixed bug in which inclusion of interlaced calls are mistakenly included in .AVS files for progressive material. (v0.29a)
Apr 3rd, 2004 (v0.29)
Fixed the error introduced in version 0.27 that could cause "Runtime Error '6'" when the last cell of a VTS contained no audio or subpicture data (usually related to a still picture used as an exit point from a PGC).
Added automatic logging of picture structure (progressive, interlaced, TF, BF) for each cell during the PREPARE. The data is then used to created associated entries in the AVS files... If selected, the ConvertToYUY2() command will automatically include "interlaced=true" when the source is interlaced. I've also added a path configuration in the SETUP screen that points to DECOMB.DLL. If it exists, it will be automatically used for cleaning up interlaced source material.
Changed action options when confronted with a disc that is already small enough to fix on a DVD-R. You now will only be warned and can continue anyway if you desire. This makes it possible for you to just remove audio streams or run for conversions from 4:3 to 16:9, etc. Also please be warned that choosing to continue could create output that is actually bigger than the original.
Fixed VTS size check error for decision to reencode and removed the influence of the menu (VTS_XX_0.VOB) file. (It was sometimes causing unnecessary reencoding of small VTSs.
Corrected output of seq_endcode in CCE encoding. This value was incorrectly set to "1" when it should have been "0" -- the result was an end code being inserted at the end of every cell and may have caused glitches on some players. It may be related to possible "stutter" and audio dropouts that has been reported. Thanks to RB for pointing this out.
Changed output filename for individual segment ECLs ("item.ecl") -- found that uppercase lettering on the .ECL extension would cause errors when drag-and-dropped into CCE Version 2.50. Much thanks to DDOG and RB for finding this quite quirky oddity. All versions of eclCCE should work now.
Added resizing of form height. Makes it possible to extend the size of the status box for better viewing of long encodes. Also removes a user ability to make the DVD-RB author look goofy (he does that fine on his own, thank you).
Changed the AVS option for adding audio to fix the well-known CCE 2.50 and AMD processor bug. Now only one choice is available -- it defaults to ON, so those who use Pentiums may want to disable it. This was added to kill some of the confusion associated with previous choices and the need for a plug-in.
Corrected several other minor bugs and made efficiency changes.
Mar 31st, 2004 (v0.28)
Added code that prevents attempts to run Phase II (Encoding) if the preparation phase was done for another encoder. It also warns and then resets the CCE version to match the one selected during "Prepare" if it has been changed. This appears to be a source of a lot of confusion and errors based upon bug reports.
Added a warning message that pops up when you select the source directory if the selected path has either multiple angles or interleaved sectoring involved. I'm hoping this will cut down on some of the bug reports until I have these functions are supported. If you decide to go ahead, another warning will appear in the status box during "PREPARE" -- continue at your own risk.
Removed "TargetSectors=" value and replaced it with one for each of the three encoders. Now use one or more of "CCETargetSectors=", "ReJigTargetSectors=", and "QuEncTargetSectors=" -- please note that "TargetSectors=" will still work, but any of the encoder specific settings will override it for that encoder.
Increased the buffer size for beta testing - just want to see if I miscalculated
and some of the problems go away.
Mar 29th, 2004 (v0.27)
Fixed an error in which SCRs resetting within a VTS could cause buffer overruns and "Runtime error '9'" errors. This should fix a majority of the overrun problems.
Code has been added to include audio selections when saving/opening project files.
Changed the range of values in CCE "Quality_prec" dropdown so it now accepts values of 0-64 (to be compliant with newer versions). When used with version 2.50 the value is multiplied by 1.56 (range 0-100) to get comparable output.
Mar 28th, 2004 (v0.26)
Corrected an error that was causing skipping and pixelation at chapter points when fast-forwarding and rewinding through chapters. This fix may also correct other problems that may not have been as apparent related to chapter points and navigation. Much thanks to the beta testers for pointing me in the right direction on this one.
The bitrate calculating algorithm can now examine the original allocation by Cell and assign bitrates to each cell consistent with that of the original DVD. This essentially uses the original DVD as a "first pass" and gives more bandwidth to cells that need it. This could (theoretically) result in better quality. This "dynamic" bitrate allocation can be enabled by selecting " Dynamically Assign Cell Bitrates" from the "Modes" menu.
Added a flag accessible through SETUP that lets you force encoders to be run in a minimized, no-focus state. This may-or-may-not work (depending upon versions) when using eclCCE as an interface with CCE.
Fixed an issue in which a NAVPACK reference frame could be off by one when the next PICTURE_START_CODE begins on a sector boundary. Not sure what impact it might have, but I noted it when investigating the pixelation/jumping problem that some have said they experience.
Fixed an overflow problem that is the source of at least some of runtime error '9's that have been received during the REBUILD phase of DVD-RB.
Made a few other minor changes for efficiency.
Mar 27th, 2004 (v0.25)
Fixed the output sizing problem that was introduced in v0.22 -- DVD-RB should now fully size CCE output to take advantage of an entire DVD-R(W) disc.
Added code to SETUP dialog that enables you to add the path to the MPEG2DEC.DLL file. I started to see errors related to load failures over-and-over -- if you set this and check the corresponding flag, the LoadPlugin() command is added as the first line to every .AVS file.
Set a new default .VOB filesize (to match some other applications)
Added code that disables entering either of the second two processes (ENCODE or REBUILD) unless the previous necessary processes (PREPARE or ENCODE) have been completed. I found that some folks were trying to skip steps and as a result were getting strange errors.
Mar 24th, 2004 (v0.24)
Corrected a major problem that caused pixelation when switching between chapters and when FF/REW went over chapter boundaries.
Corrected a sizing inconsistency that was always present but was revealed in by the implementation of VTS processing size limits (in v0.22).
User restrictions (in the VOB files) are now set to 0x00000000 (no prohibited operations). Please note that U-OPs are not being modified in the IFO files.
Fixed two variable initialization errors that were the root of several small NAVPACK video reference errors (associated with NAVPACK headers). These could only be seen when performing more than one Rebuild in a session.
Added ability to adjust target DVD size. I've purposely not made this easily available so I don't get complaints of 4 hour recodes that don't fit. To use, just add TargetSectors=nnnn under the [Options] section of the REBUILDER.INI file. As a reference the default for DVD-RB is 2236400 and the maximum for a DVD-5 is 2297888. But remember there always should be a little room left for margin of error.
Mar 23rd, 2004 (v0.23)
Corrected PTS problem associated with PES headers in audio packs. My hat is off to Pedro Gouveia for finding this error. He not only pointed out the problem -- but pointed to the solution. This should fix the problems with audio not playing on certain systems.
Mar 22nd, 2004 (v0.22)
Corrected some bugs in way pointers were being inserted into the NAVPACK audio sync tables. I'm hoping this was the source of some reported audio problems.
Fixed the Run-time error " '52' Bad file name or number error ". This would only happen when attempting to perform two complete (Prepare, Encode, and Rebuild) sessions without restarting. I left a flag incorrectly enabled following completion of a Rebuild.
Implemented a size limit on VTSs to be processed. Now very small VTSs that have virtually no data involved are simply copied as-is and are not processed. This eliminates unnecessary recoding and some possible gotchas.
Added an option to the audio select panel of SETUP that enables automatic removal of all DTS streams. I personally never keep them, so I added this for me.
Added the "Batch Processing" feature. It lets you select from saved project files and execute multiple jobs (nice for overnight work.)
Mar 21st, 2004 (v0.21)
Corrected an error in which the TMAPTI updates were being made to the .IFO file but not to the corresponding .BUP
Mar 21st, 2004 (v0.20)
Fixed the nagging navigation error that was causing some players to hang up when fast-forwarding or rewinding
Added an option to SETUP that will change the background color (for those of you who just can't stand blue-green
Implemented code that warns and stops when attempting to reencode information that will already fit on a DVD-5 (without additional compression)
Mar 20th, 2004 (v0.19)
Fixed error that resulted in "bad parameter" message with QuEnc when the source or destination path had a space in it.
Added option to copy status box to clipboard -- meant to help with collecting and posting information (mainly for debugging)
Mar 20th, 2004 (v0.18)
Fixed stupid bug that resulted in error '424' when selecting CCE version
Mar 20th, 2004 (v0.17)
Added code to update the TMAPTI table based upon the newly authored VTS, this should fix problems associated with direct positioning
Implemented support for "Open" and "Save" of project files -- lets you save and restore the current state of all configurable settings and paths. This is the first step in implementing batch processing.
Implemented support for Nic's QuEnc (FFMPEG Library) program (he's done it again!) -- Please note that when checking this option a "ConvertToYV12()" line is automatically added to .AVS files and "ConvertToYUY2()/AddAudio()" are disabled
Fixed the bug that causes DVD-RB to get stuck if attempting to run "Prepare" when no input path has been selected
Added the VTS number to the status screen output while encoding segments
Fixed error associated with CCE Trial in which filenames were outputting as .MPV rather than M2V. (Note, though, that .MPV is still the correct extension for ReJig encoding)
Added a dialog box for customizing some of the CCE settings. Removed the number-of-passes choice from the "Options" menu (it is now set via the CCE Dialog. Please note that no matter how you set the "passes" value, CCE Basic will only do a 2-pass encode.
Fixed error in which Mode and Options menu were not disabled during encoding (if changed while encoding it might cause several errors)
Mar 16th, 2004 (v0.16)
Implemented new code to handle CCE execution -- fixes problems with CCE SP 2.6X and gets rid of the multiple error popup fiasco. My thanks to quantum.
Added ConvertToYUY2(interlaced=true) as an AVS option
Turned CCE Filtering off in the .ECL files
Made several minor (non-obvious) bug fixes and code cleanup
Mar 15th, 2004 (v0.15)
Deleted TMPGENC path from setup screen. It did nothing and caused confusion
Fixed support for EclCCE with CCE SP 2.50. Makes command line (single click) possible with that version now
Fixed error in menu in which setting the pass count didn't work
Fixed offset_line=1 error. It should have been set to offset_line=0
Mar 14th, 2004 (v0.14)
Beta version of the software is first released for testing.
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