April 30th, 2006 (v1.09.3)
Added direct support for AutoQMatEnc. Please note
that DVD-RB only enables support when it can determine
the application path. It will assume the default path "c:\program files\autoqmatenc\autoqmatenc.exe" unless
overridden via registry entry. AutoQMatEnc can be
downloaded from http://www.autoqmatenc.com.
Updated the installation package to include the latest
HC Encoder version (v.18).
Fixed a bug in which cells that contain no video data
might result in "VOB/CELL not found" during rebuild.
Fixed an error in which ILVU video segments that are
extracted (because the disc will fit) can become corrupt
and cause strange playback behavior.
Corrected an error in which "garbage" data following
null or padding sectors could result in unpredictable
timing and/or desynchronization.
Fixed "Error 53" that could occur when no M2V file was
created during the ENCODE phase after three tries. The
error was typically caused by an incorrect encoder path
and should have issued a more informative "Failed to
Create an M2V" file and exited gracefully.
Corrected sizing calculations on discs containing null
or padding sectors (usually inserted by a decrypter) to
help prevent possible (slight) undersizing.
Added code to reduce the likelihood of "Error #0006" on
streams that contain embedded MPEG garbage. Also, as
investigation showed that these only happen in "orphaned"
MPEG sections (following "null sectors" created by a
decrypter) that are never actually decoded, the error
has been removed and replaced by a warning in the STATUS
Added code to remove DVD-RB from a minimized state just
before executing a shutdown sequence. There are reports
that the shutdown dialog "freezes" with the "5 seconds"
text showing when attempted while minimized.
Implemented a change that can reduce the likelihood of "Error #0003, buffer overflow" on oddly formatted source
Fixed an error in which it is feasible (but rare) that
logging of a start code at the very end of a VTS might
be missed during PREPARE.
Corrected an error in CC processing that could cause an
error "0068 0005" when a new GOP with CC data starts at
at the very end of a video packet.
Made several process improvements to the handling of
sequence_end_codes and associated end actions.
As closed captioning support appears to be stable, it
has been removed from "beta" status and can now be
enabled/disabled from the "Settings" menu.
Added code to avoid confusion by disabling menu selection
of encoders for which no path is present in the setup.
March 27th, 2006 (v1.09.2)
Fixed an error in the closed captions code that could corrupt the MPEG stream causing blocky video playback. Please note that the closed captioning code should still be considered "beta" and should only be enabled by those wishing to test and verify its integrity.
Fixed a bug in which closed captions were not being enabled in the IFO file for movie-only encodes.
Fixed a problem that could make Closed Captions play haphazardly when used against a telecined source.
Corrected an error in which Closed Caption data was being incorrectly inserted for "No Compression" and
ReJig modes.
Corrected a problem in which an IFO that has no PGCs defined could cause DVD-RB to stop with an error
message ("0032 0009").
Corrected the syntax of the status output when setting for DVD-9. The log incorrectly says "DVD-5".
March 18th, 2006 (v1.09)
NEW FEATURE: Support for closed captions. Now DVD-RB will extract closed caption data from the original DVD and remultiplex it into the MPEG stream during REBUILD. Note that, although this new code has been tested, it is new and therefore should be considered beta for this version. For that reason it can only be enabled by adding the "hidden" setting "CLOSED_CAPTIONS=1" to the [Options] area of the REBUILDER.INI file. WARNING: Many software players do NOT play CC correctly. Please do not post bug reports unless you first also try to play the original disc with the software player (e.g. PowerDVD 6.0 seems to have problems with certain CC).
ENHANCEMENT: Added code to enhance the functioning of automatic "no reencoding" feature introduced in v1.08. Now any space reallocated due to "Steal Space" or the "Half/Half" functions that is not needed to enable the "no reencoding" extraction is returned to the Extras. This allows you to "overkill" in order to force extraction -- but the amount of actual reduction will only be what is truly necessary.
Fixed an error in which specific circumstances could cause highlights in a menu to not display when the rebuild of the menu cell immediately follows another cell that uses the same VOBID/CELLID combination.
Corrected a bug in which, under unusual circumstances, a one byte difference can occur between matching BUP and IFO files.
- Fixed an error that could occur very rarely and cause a report of error: "00032 00009 -- error reading IFO".
Fixed a bug in which restarting the ENCODE phase following a previous completion was not reseting the progress flag, causing problems in future pauses.
Corrected some inconsistencies with the way menus are handled in the Segment Viewer/Editor.
Fixed a problem in which selecting "Movie and Menus" could very rarely blank a menu that is a part of a VTS other than the one containing the feature.
Added a "Close at REBUILD Completion" option to the Mode menu and a "Close at Batch Completion" option to the file menu. These will close DVD-RB -- but will not shutdown the computer.
Updated the ECLPRO version to v1.00RC1. This version has been reported to correct the "presets" issue seen by some users when using the "Multiple Encoder" option with ProCoder.
February 21st, 2006 (v1.08.1)
NEW FEATURE: Added automatic detection and extraction
of segments that don't need reencoding. This makes it
it possible, e.g., for "Steal Space from Extras", "Half-D1/Half Space", Menu Encoding, or possibly even
simple removal of a large audio track to allow the main
feature's video to be kept completely intact. Included
a "Force Reencode" selection under the "Options" menu
which will override this feature when you wish filters
to be applied.
Added a "Force No Reencoding" to the Video Segment Editor/Viewer. This will allow you to select segments
for which you wish the video portion to remain intact.
Note that this setting reduces the "recovered" amount
that can be added to the feature -- and can lead to a
negative feature bitrate. When this happens the "Save
Settings" button is disabled.
Added a selection under the "Settings" menu that
allows you to choose to size for DVD-5 (single
layer) or for DVD-9 (dual layer) output. Also added
DL target size adjustment parameter for each encoder.
You can set size for DLTargetSectors or any of the
encoders (just add "DL" to any of the old target
settings, e.g. HCTargetSectors would become
DLHCTargetSectors). This capability was added to
satisfy requests -- but also to support other new
upcoming features. Note that the "DVD-9" option is
new and SHOULD BE CONSIDERED "BETA" -- use with
caution until it is completely debugged.
Added an option under the "Settings" menu that allows
you to set the process priority of the encoder to
NORMAL or IDLE (low) priority. This can be useful for
times when you are using your computer for other
purposes while encoding. Careful, though, using the
IDLE priority can also slow down encoding dramatically
when any other process is in progress.
Fixed an error that could cause certain types of menu
still pictures to not display -- causing what could
be perceived as several other menu problems.
Corrected a miscalculation related to menu encoding
that might lead to oversizing (especially when using
TargetSector settings that have been increased from
the default).
Updated some of the calculation methods in the Segment
Viewer, using the old methods it was possible to lose
sizing accuracy when portions of the Feature VTS were
blanked or set for SLIDESHOW mode.
Added "quick" keys to the segment editor. You can now
press "B" to blank, "S" for slideshow, "F" to force
no reencoding (keep video intact) and either "N" or "Space" to set back to normal.
Corrected an error in which the "Half-D1/Half Space" option was not working properly and output video may
not have been resized.
Fixed a minor bug in which an encounter with an
illegally formated IFO file format could repeat an
error message several times.
Fixed a cosmetic error in which a "-" would be
inserted in the DVD-RB form title every time it was
Corrected a registration bug introduced in v1.08.
Other minor bug fixes..
February 13th, 2006 (v1.07.2)
Fixed a bug that could cause subpictures that are selected for removal to be also incorrectly removed from Menus. This could make the menu selections fail to function.
Corrected an error in which on rare occasions the output BUP file be incorrectly updated during a certain type of menu encode sequence.
Corrected some bugs associated with menu encoding and Half-D1/Anamorphic conversion. Also disabled filters for menu encodes.
February 9th, 2006 (v1.07.1)
IMPORTANT BUG FIX: Corrected an error in the Menu
Encoding module in which some menus may be encoded
without audio.
IMPORTANT BUG FIX: Corrected an error in which the
encoding process can "hang" while doing an ILVU
Modified OPV maximum bitrate calculation during the
prediction phase in order to prevent possible "OPV VBV ovf" errors.
Updated the Installer to use a version of ECLPRO
that supports multiple instances.
Corrected iDCT "64-Bit SSE2MMX" to "32-Bit SSE2MMX"
Fixed an error in which he HalfD1 checkmark was not
properly resetting upon new source load.
February 6th, 2006 (v1.07)
Implemented menu encoding. This new feature will
now scan and reencode menu segments in the same
way as standard title sets. This should save some
space, allow for more efficient use of space, and
improve quality. It is especially useful on titles
that have large amounts of space used by menus. The
default setting encodes any menu that is over 50MB.
This can be overridden by setting a value for the "hidden" parameter "VTSM_MIN_SIZE" in the [Options]
area of the REBUILDER.INI. It works similar to the "VTS_MIN_SIZE" parameter. It is recommended that you
keep the default setting, as encoding segments that
smaller than 50MB usually only increases encoding
time without significantly improving qualty. If you
prefer no menu encoding at all, this feature can be
disabled or enabled via the "Settings" menu.
Added code to enable multiple encoder instances.
The feature is available under the "Settings" menu.
On multiple core computers and some very fast
single core computers using hyperthreading this
will take advantage of unused processor time.
This concept has been proven in concept using HC
encoder, QuEnc, and ProCoder (via ECLPRO) in
Rumbah's "DualDVDRB" software. Please note that if
your computer already runs at 100% of its processor
time this option will not likely improve your speed
and in fact may make it slightly slower. But, on
some processors and some encoders it has been
reported to increase speeds by as much as 30-50%.
Heavy Kudos to Rumbah for exploring and proving
this concept via "DualDVDRB."
Corrected "Runtime Error 55" that could occur if
attempting to force-close DVD-RB during encoding.
Corrected a reference to "32-Bit Floating Point" in
the iDCT choices for DGDECODE v1.4.5. It actually
is "64-Bit Floating Point".
Corrected an error in which the intra_DC_precision
setting could be set incorrectly in CCE Basic and
CCE SP v2.50 under some circumstances.
Fixed an error in which the "Enable Output" option
wasn't being properly reset on project loads or
during batch encoding.
Added Menu Segments to Segment Editor so they can
be blanked or slideshow adjusted. Be careful, as
disabling a menu background can sometimes make the
function of the menu impossible to understand.
Menu segments are listed as "VTM_nn" in the editor.
Updated the installer to include HC Version 0.17.
January 26th, 2006 (v1.06.1)
In order to facilitate the changed iDCT options
of DGDECODE v1.4.5, the iDCT selection table is
now changed depending upon the version selected.
Updated the skins to reflect newer button format
on the CCE Settings dialog.
Added the selected reduction percentage to the "Steal Space from Extras is enabled" line that
is displayed and logged.
Corrected a bug in which certain parameters were
not being loaded correctly when starting by
double-clicking on a .RBP file.
Fixed a bug related to field order detection and
encoding introduced in v1.06 in which a specific
set of (unusual) circumstances might cause the
order to be incorrectly detected.
Updated routines to take advantage of newer CCE
abilities (v2.69 and greater) to output bottom
field first (BFF) interlaced streams. Now when
the original stream is BFF -- the new stream can
retain this characteristic.
Enhanced the REBUILD engine so it will now accept
field based picture structures. This might
improve ProCoder encoding of interlaced streams
(if enabled). It will also stop Error #0006 when
using ReJig or "No Compression" on streams that
use that structure.
Fixed the "BlankText" INI parameter so it will
work with Half-D1 sources that are being blanked.
January 16th, 2006 (v1.06)
Added support for DGDECODE v1.4.5. This update
includes many enhancements/bug fixes and makes
DVD-RB's support consistent with Neuron2's most
current release. Support for MPEG2DEC3DG and
DGDECODE v1.1.0 remains. This update includes
a fix which corrects a rare problem in which an
encoder may "freeze" while trying to encode a
segment. The DVD-RB Installer now includes and
installs DGDECODE v1.4.5 by default.
Added coding for handling "garbage" sectors
that were found to have caused problems during
the PREPARE phase on at least one disc. Thanks
to SpazzHH for finding a disc in which it was
Modified the AVS position of the trim() command.
Performing the trim after the insertion of some
optional filters can give better results.
Updated some cosmetic features for consistency. Changed slider for HC Bias, and added TextColor
variable to CCE settings Skin.
Corrected a Button Over Video (BOV) issue. In
some very active streams BOV may not have been
reproduced properly.
Corrected an error in the REBUILD module that
could misinterpret certain input streams and as
a result, throw a "ERROR 006: DVD-RB...framecount
differences" error.
Fixed a problem in which an extremely unlikely set
of circumstances might cause audio to move out of
sync over the course of a segment.
Fixed a bug in which remapping audio while set to "Movie-Only" mode would cause a Runtime Error 9.
Added a module that performs key download via web
in the event of direct connection failure.
Removed annoying "VOB Count" warning in Movie-Only
December 30th, 2005 (v1.05.2)
Corrected an error in which VIDEO_TS file for a
Movie Only disc could have a wrong value set in
the First Play PGC table.
Corrected the PGC Program Table size for the IFO
created in Movie-Only mode so it's length is
always a multiple of two. This cause playback
problems in at least one player model.
Lowered the default VBR minimum bitrate for CCE
to 300 (from 500). It was set to 500 in v0.83
in order to circumvent problems with CCE 2.70.
These seem to be no longer present, but as a
precaution code was added to dynamically increase
the to value to 500 in the event of problems.
Also added code that will automaticlly adjust it
back up to 500 if an encoding pass fails. The
lower value should result in slightly better
overall picture quality as fewer bits are wasted
on low demand scenes.
Fixed an error in the registration process in
which using uppercase characters (the first time)
in the e-mail field might make the registration
fail repeat upon each load.
Reduced the aggressiveness of the layer break
removal, as some Sony Players appear to be very
strict in how they handle streams marked with the "seamless" flag. If you wish to override this
the "[Options]" area of the REBUILDER.INI file.
Updated HCBatch.exe to the most recent version.
Increased GOP buffer size to help reduce the
likelihood of buffer overflows (0003 and 0004) on
some rare sources. Note, though, that 0003 and
0004 are indicators of a malformed source -- and
most typically indicate a corrupted source file.
This is usually due to preprocessing.
Modified the CCE Advanced Settings dialog so it
uses sliders instead of dropdown boxes..
December 17th, 2005 (v1.05.1)
Fixed a problem in which the default templates
that are created by DVD-RB are done so with
inappropriate space characters inserted --
making the values not load correctly.
Corrected an issue in which the SYSTEM ID may
change if a network adapter is removed or added
to the system. This is especially noticable in
laptop computers. Note, however, that DVD-RB will
continue to use the previously obtained SYSTEM ID
unless the key file has been deleted. This is to
prevent unnecessary reregistration on systems that
don't experience this issue. But it is recommended
that you delete your old key and create a new one
to ensure you don't experience this problem. All
user SYSTEM ID counts have been reset to zero to
accomodate this.
Fixed an problem in which a small percentage of
users could not connect to the download site and
the key file had to be requested via e-mail.
Updated the installation package to install ReJig
v0.5f. This version includes several updates that
give quality improvements that were implemented by
Updated the installation package to install HC
encoder version 0.16.1. This version corrects
some minor bugs.
December 12th, 2005 (v1.05)
Added "Template" options under the "File" menu.
Now you can load and save settings that you
find to be especially useful for different types
of sources, such as film, anime, cartoon, CG,
series discs, etc. All you have to do to create
a new template is to set up Rebuilder in the way
you'd like to encode a certain type of disc,
for example: the CCE or HC bias, matrices, GOP
sizes, or filters -- then select "Save Template".
If you have settings you find useful for certain
source types, post the template on the Rebuilder
forum at www.doom9.org or www.dvd-rb.com and it
may be added to future DVD Rebuilder versions.
Corrected an error that could result in "Error
0006, Framecount differences..." when working
with the null output of some ripping programs.
Fixed a sizing issue in which unreferenced audio
streams that exist in the original VOB files were
included in the output -- but weren't properly
accounted for in the size calculation.
Modified the ReJig calling procedure so that
DVD-RB uses less processor time during calls.
This should speed up ReJig.
Change the GOP setting for HC encoder so that if
version 0.16 or greater is used, "*GOP 12 2" is
not forced for FILM sources.
Revamped the keyfile process. Too many folks
were having trouble using the .RBK files. Now
DVD Rebuilder will download the keyfile itself.
The keyfile is also now linked to an individual
computer via System ID. I've tried to make it
as painless as possible. Please read the HELP
information in the registration dialog. A new
EXE file called Reg-RB.EXE is included in the
DVD-RB directory and it can be run to get the
system id and download your key for any computer
upon which you wish to run Rebuilder. It is
called automatically by DVD-RB when needed.
There is a default limit of 5 System IDs allowed
for each registered e-mail address.
November 28th, 2005 (v1.04)
Reorganized the "Options" configuration. It is
no longer accessed as a Menu. Now it is accessed
via a Tree View on either the tab bar, or, for
for pre-version 1.00 skins, via an "Options"
choice in the "Settings" menu. The menu had grown
too large for easy use. Some "quick access" items
remain under the "Settings" menu.
Added a setting under the "Mode" menu in which
you can select all Extras for Half-D1. This
option will not reduce bitrates for Extras (like
Half/Half), but settings selected under "Steal
Space from Extras" will be applied. This provides
more granularity so the option can be used more
Corrected an issue in which certain odd original
anomalies might cause timing issues. A special
thanks to Magic144 for finding this one.
Fixed an error that, under certain circumstances,
might cause video ticks or stutter at chapter or
segment break points.
Tweaked the muxing algorithm to facilitate better
video playback buffering control.
Changed the default setting for the Viewer/Editor
so its calls use long filenames. Some users were
having trouble getting it to work properly.
Updated the Installer to use a newer version of
HC Encoder (v0.16, 11/12/2005). This file is
also included in the "Update Only" zip file.
Updated installer to use EclPro v0.52. Includes
better compatibility and support for Express
Corrected an error in which an erroneous input
stream might cause DVD-RB to "hang" during PREPARE
phase looking for a nonexistent extension start
November 8th, 2005 (v1.03)
Improved the peak bitrate determination algorithm.
It now more accurately determines source bitrates
and works properly with NTSC interlaced sources.
Fixed a bug that could cause "Runtime Error 380" under some circumstances. This should make audio
removal in DVD ReMake Pro compatible with DVD-RB.
Corrected an error in which source filenames that
are a mixture of uppercase/lowercase letters might
cause "Error 0003, buffer overflow".
Corrected a setting that might, under certain
circumstances, allow NTSC interlaced ILVU sources
to fall out of specifications.
Fixed an error that under specific conditions could
create video streams that exceed maximum bitrates.
Updated OPV code to help prevent undersizing when
encoding NTSC sources or when selecting a GOP size
other that 12.
Fixed an error in which it was possible that an
audio glitch might be inserted at a layer break or
point where the SCR gets reset to zero.
Added an option to the "Select ISO Output Options" dialog that will remove the .ISO image from the
output path after a successful image burn. This is
meant to minimize required disc space, please use
it cautiously.
October 29th, 2005 (v1.02)
Added a new feature under the OPTIONS menu. Now you
can select "Audio Track Remapping" and DVD-RB will
make changes necessary so that defaults for audio
streams can be changed. This is especially useful
when DTS is the default and has been removed, or for
those who would like the default startup track to be
some language other than the original.
Added "Dynamic Peak Analysis" which determines peak
bitrates from the original stream and uses the info
to set segment maximum bitrates. This should improve
quality by more accurately distributing available
bandwidth. It should also eliminate some possible
sources for playback stutter.
Fixed a bug in which attempting to apply filters
against a source that would already fit on a DVD-5
could halt the batch job waiting for a user prompt.
Modified the "Shutdown at One-Click Completion"
option under the MODE menu. Now it is "Shutdown at
end of REBUILD". This was done in order to allow
usage with the "2-click" method introduced in the
previous release.
Added ProCoder under the OPTIONS menu and added the
ability to set the quality level.
Fixed "Error 35601, Element Not Found" error that
could occur on oddly formatted sources.
Changed the Installed default operational mode to "One Click." Earlier versions defaulted to "Three
Click" mode.
Corrected setting in which GOP size of 12 was being
forced too liberally when using HC encoder.
Per request, added a new INI parameter that enables
the insertion of text in blanked segments. For
example, by adding "BlankText=This Video has been Blanked" to the the "[Options]" are of REBUILDER.INI
will insert that text on blanked screens. The text
has a limit of 40 characters. By default no text is
Added bitrate sanity checks for circumstances in
which the calculated bitrate might be greater than
the original. This can sometimes happen in Movie-Only modes. An analysis of reports of stutter occurring
on certain players has determined it is linked to the
reintegration of the original audio stream with
higher-that-original bitrates. It is possible to
override this check (but it is NOT RECOMMENDED) by
adding the hidden flag "OVERRIDE_BITRATE_CHECK=1" to
the "[Options]" area of REBUILDER.INI.
October 8th, 2005 (v1.01 FINAL)
Found and corrected an inconsistency releated to the
SML_AGLI table that could affect various chapter and
searching functions on ILVU sections.
October 7th, 2005 (v1.00)
Updated the method for one pass encoding prediction
for HC encoder. The changes in RC6.0 had a negative
impact on the prediction for HC and caused it to
require more passes rather than fewer.
Fixed an error that could cause SCR value to drift
over time under some unique circumstances and cause
timing irregularities with possible stutter.
Changed the default value for 32k padding to "off".
Also removed the setting from the ISO Options form.
While the format is compliant with DVD standards,
there are too many 3rd party packages that have
trouble reading ISO images with padding. I've
decided the benefits are outweighed by the
disadvantages. For those purists who wish to enable
it anyway -- it can be enabled by adding the line "Enable_32K_Padding=1" in the [Options] area of
REBUILDER.INI. The older "Disable_32K_Padding" is
now ignored and should be removed.
Modified HC values to preset GOP size to 12 rather
than AUTO for sources that will receive pulldown
flags. This is necessary to ensure GOP time length
parameters stay within DVD specs.
Corrected an error that could cause a "Runtime Error
9" during rebuild under certain conditions while
processing reencoded ILVU sequences.
Changed the default state for "Status Logging" to ON.
Implemented checks to ensure the DVD Volume Label is
checked and enforced for maximum length (31 chars).
Added some updates that will make DVD-RB work more
reliably with the output of DVDFab Decrypter.
Added support for burning ISO images with ImgBurn,
Lightning UK's latest burner. Use is automatic, DVD
Rebuilder will recognize when ImgBurn is installed
and it will be used. DVD Decrypter now becomes the
secondary choice for burning. ImgBurn is free, it
is highly recommended, and can be downloaded from
Fixed an error in which "Create/Write Project ISO
Image" was not properly writing the created image to
the blank DVD disc.
Improved error detection in Write-To-Disc function.
Enabled a type of "2-Click" mode for those using
add-ons following PREPARE. Now you can click REBUILD
following a PREPARE and it if ENCODE has not already
been performed, it will be automatically executed. It
can also be used to RESUME jobs that were stopped
during ENCODE.
September 16th, 2005 (v1.00 RC6)
an error in which resetting "Steal Space from Extras" back to 0% was not
taking effect until the next load of DVD-RB.
Fixed a
bug in which a "Error 0006 -- DVD-RB has found framecount..." error
could occur on very small segments during REBUILD when selecting the
"Movie and Menus Only" mode.
Added an
adjustment to maximum bitrate for MPEG audio streams that are included
for processing.
an error in which QuEnc versions may not be identified correctly (shows
the caption in the "Mode" Menu "Steal Space" option. It now tells you
the reduction percentage that is selected.
the code when opening .RBK files. You will now be prompted as to whether
you want to install it as the default key. If you answer "Yes" -- DVD-RB
will automatically copy and register it. DVD-RB must be installed first,
of course.
Fixed an
error that could, on very rare occasions, negatively affect the
calculated SCR value.
SCR calculation to correct itself for certain odd circumstances that
could occur in the input stream. Fixes "stutter" that occurs as a
Fixed an
error in which ISO label and file names were not being properly set when
loading from a project file.
Added code
to recognize and attempt to correct system clock reference (SCR)
irregularities in the audio of the source disc.
the OPV encoding prediction algorithm so that it will take fewer passes
on each VTS.
default Q sample percentage for OPV has been changed to 2%. Also made
the OPV Q selection more conservative as it was oversizing too
August 17th, 2005 (v1.00 RC5.1)
Fixed a
glitch in which attempting to overwrite the "DVDFILES\VIDEO_TS" could
result in being asked the same "Overwrite?" prompt twice.
"Runtime Error 63" that could happen on certain ILVU sections under
specific circumstances.
"Runtime Error 5" when deleting Batch items when using one of the
non-version-one skins.
"Runtime Error 52" that could happen at the end of the PREPARE phase on
ILVU titles that end on with ILVU section.
August 15th, 2005 (v1.00 RC5)
the "Layer Break" recognition code to make it more aggressively find and
remove layer-break related pauses.
option to change Variable Bitrate Bias for HC Encoder. The default value
is 20. This setting can help keep dark images and fade-ins from
pixelating. This HC encoder just keeps getting better, hat's off (again)
to Hank315.
an error that could result in the "File... shows completed, but no .M2V
file exists" on some ILVU segments during ENCODE phase. A special thanks
to SDragoon for helping to nail this down.
"Runtime Error 52" that could occur on some ILVU segments during
PREPARE. Related problem to the "no MPV file" problem mentioned above.
Many thanks to soupdragon and RaistlinMajere for the excellent beta
testing and support.
"memory" to the Source Directory browse button so it will start at the
last directory used.
suggested by MarkRB -- added "Full Backup" as a choice under the mode
menu to make it a little clearer how to get back out of one of the
movie-only modes. Also changed the functioning of "Steal Space from
Extras" in the same way.
Fixed an
error in which exceptionally large ILVU sequences could cause a "Runtime
Error 6" during the REBUILD phase. This may also have been a source of
other odd behaviour with large sequences. Thanks to ookzDVD for
identifying and helping resolve this issue.
Fixed an
error that could cause OPV prediction to fail when encoding in ILVU
sections. Please note, however, that while DVD-RB may work in OPV with
ILVU sections, it is NOT recommended that ILVU discs be done in OPV.
Thanks to Acerjen for pointing this out.
August 7th, 2005 (v1.00RC4.1)
an off-by-one sector error in the VTS_C_ADT table of an IFO that
contains ILVU sections. This issue was the cause of reported problems
importing DVD-RB into DVD Shrink after rebuild. It also caused DVDReMake
to sometimes require "recovering sectors".
Fixed an
error in the routine for updating the VTS_TMAPTI table in IFOs
containing ILVU sections. In previous versions some seamless branching
titles could have had erroneous entries created.
"Runtime Error 63" that can be caused by large ILVU (greater than 1GB)
progress bar updates during "Interleaving Video Object" activity.
August 1st, 2005 (v1.00RC4)
Corrected an error in which the VTS_C_ADT table was not being properly
updated for ILVU sequences. This error may have manifested itself in
several different ways depending upon the player or playback software --
but probably would be most noticed using navigation controls. This fix
should correct several (most?) reported ILVU backup problems.
an error in which Button Over Video (BOV) was not working correctly on
ILVU segments that had been reencoded.
Fixed an
error that could cause file sizing errors (VOBs too large) under certain
Fixed an
error in which, when the last segment of a VTS is ILVU, the special ILVU
.D2V file is not properly closed. This could result in a "missing M2V"
file and/or a "Unrecognized exception on Line 6" AVISYNTH error when
trying to encode.
source of "Runtime Error 380", invalid property value. What an odd one.
This was happening when the source had hundreds of stills. The Status
window's text box cursor postion became too large for the variable! I've
now set a limit on how much of the Status box's history remains
available without looking in the LOG file.
Added code
to more accurately account for space used for STILL frames. On DVDs with
large numbers for STILL frames (picture playback) the bitrate could be
miscalculated because STILLs are extracted intact.
the display of NTSC bitrates so the actual achieved bitrate (29.97fps)
and the ECL file bitrate (23.976fps) are shown. In the past the lower (ECL)
rate was displayed and prompted questions as to why it was lower than
what might be hand-calculated. The ECL rate is used as part of the
method to ensure support for hybrid sources and is readjusted as when
necessary during REBUILD.
July 28th, 2005 (v1.00RC3)
"Disable 32K Padding" option to the ISO Output Options dialog box.
AnyDVD seems to have a problem mounting discs that have been created
using the padding even though it is completely compliant.
the font color on the ISO Output Options dialog when using the "Teck
Original" skin. The previous color was not easily readable.
Found and
fixed the source of "Runtime Error 63" (Illegal Record Number) that
could sometimes happen during REBUILD of an ILVU section.
Fixed a
problem in which films that are encoded as 4:3 (within the stream) --
but are displayed as 16:9 (as directed by the IFO) were being set to 4:3
when created in "Movie-Only" mode. Now the setting in the original IFO
is retained as the new Movie-Only IFO is created. Strange but true,
someone out there is actually authoring commercial DVDs that way.
Fixed an
error in which, under certain circumstances ILVU content that has the
same VOBID/CELLID as the last VOBID/CELLID of the previous VTS would not
be interleaved properly.
Fixed an
error in which maximum bitrates set for CCE when encoding ILVU could be
set too high. ILVU puts more restrictions on maximum bitrate than
standard single threaded playback. HC and QuEnc should not have
experienced this problem.
further changes to the algorithm for seamless branching reproduction.
Corrected problems in the way DVD-RB interpreted the interleaving
patterns of some of the more complex ILVU source discs.
an error in which, during ILVU rebuild, it is possible that erroneous
values could be set into the IFO entry sector.
the "QuEnc Options" menu to clarify the three modes and also prevent
choosing both single pass and OPV simultaneously which is a source of
Corrected an error in which "Steal Space from Extras" was sometimes not
being disabled when loaded during batch processing.
July 8th, 2005 (v1.00RC2)
algorithm for seamless branching analysis and detection. RC1 made some
incorrect assumptions that could result in bad interleaving. This could
also have resulted in several other possible errors based upon the
structure of the source. This might also be a cause of "Runtime Error
Fixed an
error that was causing a "Runtime Error 9" when selecting/deselecting an
audio or subpicture stream when no VTS was highlighted.
"Runtime Error 6" that could happen when while interleaving ILVU
Fixed an
error in which the PREPARE phase could get stuck awaiting a keystroke at
the message "Blanking all EXTRA Segments" when "Movies and Menus Only"
or "Movies and Slideshow Extras" are chosen.
response to the "man, that sure is ugly" comments about the bluish
backgrounds used in controls in the tab areas I have changed them in the
Teck Skin and also added a variable to the Skin definitions called
"v1TextBackground" that can change it. I'd like it to be clear that Teck
was not responsible for that color choice.
the "Remove Dir Comments" function in the Setup screen and made it
functional. Also added it to the Teck skin's setup. I kinda' forgot
about this on the first RC...
error in which display of selected subtitle and audio streams
display was not correctly updated when changing selected Skin.
Added set
parameters that ensure ILVU compliance as appropriate when using the HC
encoder. This only affects ILVU segments.
Added set
parameters that ensure ILVU compliance as appropriate when using the
QuEnc encoder. This only affects ILVU segments.
July 2nd, 2005 (v1.00RC1)
Added a
new v1.00 graphical interface that is based upon a prototype developed
by Teck. Now by using selection tabs the majority of functions can all
be handled from within the main dialog! My thanks to Teck for a great
idea. I've also included a Rockas theme design (based upon Teck's) as
the default. For folks who like the traditional interface -- you have
something new too! Rockas has updated the Professional Edition with a
new "Rockas Original" skin design. Skins are still fully functional.
Added full
support for reencoding and reauthoring of ILVU sequences. Now very large
ILVU sections will no longer put severe limits on bitrates. Lots of new
code was implemented here -- I ask that all of the DVD-RB beta testers
please exercise it thoroughly and report back on DOOM9. Note: If you run
into problems or would like to disable this code for any reason and
force use of the previous "ILVU-intact" method -- add the hidden command
"ILVU_Encode=0" in the [Options] section of the REBUILDER.INI file.
Implemented a new key mechanism. It works much like the old one -- in
that you have to simply copy the file into the DVD-RB directory. But you
must also know your registered e-mail address and use it to activate the
key (from within DVD-RB). Also, it is always named "REBUILDER.RBK" --
the last naming structure caused lots of headaches for those having a
".AU" in their e-mail name. It also threw errors when double clicked
because it wasn't a registry key as many assumed.
Added ISO
failsafe code so that padding is inserted at any time it may be possible
for an IFO and BUP to overlap in the same ECC. This dramatically
decreases the possibility of a scratch ever damaging both an IFO and
it's corresponding backup (BUP) file (which can render a disc
unplayable). Note that this action is only taken when DVD-RB has been
instructed to create an ISO image. Also note IFOEDIT will incorrectly
see the changes to the IFO for padding as offset errors. Do NOT perform
an IFOEDIT "Get VTS Sectors" against a VIDEO_TS folder that has been
built for ISO unless you are planning to use some other burning package
to create the disc -- as IFOEDIT will incorrectly change the values back
to the non-failsafe state.
procedures that automatically determine the volume label and ISO
filename when selecting an input source. Uses actual device detected
Volume ID or directory name depending upon the input source and path
format. Default value is "DVD-VIDEO"
quotes around volume label for ISO creation. Previously any spaces in
the volume name could cause ISO burn to get confused.
Fixed an
error in which an iDCT method loaded from a project could cause two
options to be checked.
the QLB Matrix to match DragonGodz latest changes. in order to update
it, you can just delete the file "QuEnc Lower Bitrate (QLB).mtx"
from the MATRIX directory under the DVD-RB installation path. DVD-RB
will see it is missing and update it when next started.
the parameters for HC to match the newer versions -- there is now only
three quality profiles (FAST, NORMAL, BEST).
Fixed an
error in which the segment viewer/editor would allow you to make changes
even though the source information had changed since PREPARE.
the viewer/editor so is shows VOBID/CELLID and length (in hh:mm:ss:ff)
in time rather than segment number and frame count. I think this may be
more useful information to most people.
Added two
more options to the FILE menu. You can now select to create an ISO, or
create and write (to disc) an ISO for the current project.
Fixed an
error that could cause undersizing in movie-only encodes due to
miscalculating the size of the original stream (especially true in ILVU
Fixed an error that could cause an "Runtime Error 9" upon program start
or when loading a Project file when the source path is no longer
Added code to disable path buttons when running any of the tree phases.
Previously changing any of the Source, Working, or Output paths (either
purposefully or accidentally) during execution could cause various
errors (including Runtime 54).
Adjusted the average bitrate for encodes to ensure it the minimum and
average bitrates were never the same.
Added a confirmation note when audio or subpicture defaults are saved
from the SETUP screen. Also removed the old screen flags that were
incompatible with skins.
Fixed an error in which ReJig could receive values greater than 100% for
its reduction level.
Fixed an error that could result in "Runtime Error 52" on certain
sources when using either ReJig or "No Compression" settings.
Fixed an error in which exiting via the Windows "X" while rebuilding is
in occurring could have anomalous results -- including program lockout.
May 26th, 2005 (v0.93.2)
Added a
checkmark on the menu for AVS Filter editing. If checked it indicates
that filters are present in the editor. Also added a line to the
status/log when starting a job that shows filters are in effect.
the ISO Image creation code so it would be more robust in recognizing
error conditions.
Fixed an
error in the ISO Image creation routine in which ISO output would fail
when any of the program, output, or working directories contained
embedded spaces.
the registry entry from which the DVD Decrypter path was collected, the
one used may not have been set on all systems.
(v0.93.1) Corrected an error that was causing "Runtime 13" when the
"ENCODERS" directory wasn't created.
May 22nd, 2005 (v0.93)
support for writing ISO images using the mkisofs utility. In order to
make this option you must have the MKISOFS program file installed in
either the rebuilder directory or a subdirectory under rebuilder called
"APPS". Note that this is all done automatically if you use the Rockas
installer. If you are doing a manual install, the two files needed (mkisofs.exe
and cywin1.dll) are included in the rebuilder zip file. After the files
exist, the next time you run DVD-RB the "Output to ISO Image File"
option in the "Mode" menu will be enabled. You can also select a VOLUME
NAME and FILE NAME for the ISO image or choose to automatically delete
the files after writing (to save space). These options are selected
using the "Select ISO Output Options" selection -- also under the MODE
automatic burning of created ISO images with DVD Decrypter. If the
"Automatically Burn with DVD Decrypter" option is selected under the
"Select Output Options Dialog" the ISO created will be automatically
written to disc using DVD Decrypter at the end of the REBUILD phase.
Please note that this option will be disabled if DVD Decrypter has not
been installed on the host computer. Also note: This option is ignored
when in "Batch" mode for obvious reasons.
Added a
FILE menu option to burn an ISO image, this is just for convenience, as
the image is actually burned by DVD Decrypter.
the "MPEG Standard" matrix so it is updated to what is generally
considered more "standard" today. In order to update it, you can just
delete the file "MPEG Standard.mtx" from the MATRIX directory under the
DVD-RB installation path. DVD-RB will see it is missing and update it
when next started.
Added a
which you can instruct the decoder to use of of a list of 7 iDCT
choices. This replaces the former single "idct=7" choice.
Added a
new "Key" mechanism so the executable file "REBUILDER.EXE" can be
downloaded from multiple locations and can be included in the Rockas
Installer package. The executable will not run unless a "KEY" file
exists in the DVD-RB directory. Similar to the previous method, when
VIPs are notified of new versions they will receive a link to a
personalized key file. Placing this key file in the DVD-RB
directory will enable the software.
Found and corrected a long-time vexing error that could cause "Buffer
Overflow...0003" and "Buffer Overflow...0004". This is very likely the
root of some of the "preprocessing" errors that have been reported --
and was accentuated in DVD-RBs "Movie and Menus Only" mode. This one was
truly difficult to pin down. My thanks to Carpo, t3rror, and Numer0bis
for helping to nail this elusive error.
Fixed an error in which the TMAP tables were not being updated correctly
for Interleaved and/or Angled sources. This may have caused errors in
random access into those sections.
Corrected a source of possible "Runtime Error 9" that could happen when
IFO and VOBs aren't in agreement about ILVU. This conflict may
happen during PREPARE when certain types of preprocessing have been
Changed output directory format. Now in the designated output dirctory a
subdirectory is created called "DVDFILES". The AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS
folders are created under that name. This is meant to help avoid
confusion and assist in future enhancements by consolidating all files
that should be written to the DVD within a single directory.
13th, 2005 (v0.92)
support for multiple angles in Movie Only mode. Previous versions would
copy the multiple angle sections but did not make IFO changes allowing
selection and playback.
Movie-Only creation so it recreates the cell structure of the original
DVD/PGC. Previous versions built chapter tables based upon the cell
structure of the primary PGC.
Found and
fixed "Runtime Error 5" that could occur immediately upon start of
PREPARE when using Movie-Only mode. My thanks to bryanb and Lark for
pointing out and helping with finding this very elusive problem.
Added an
advanced "Graphic Analysis" display that will show the structure of a
VTS to help the user understand the original authoring. The display is
accessible by double-clicking on the VTS you wish to view in the "Video
Title Sets" list box.
Modified the selection routine for "Source" so that now if a directory
is selected that contains a "VIDEO_TS" subdirectory, that directory is
automatically tried before returning a "does not contain" error message.
This seems to have caused some confusion to some users.
8th, 2005 (v0.91)
the handling of Movie-Only and it's relationship to D2V files. Also
cleaned up problems with Movie-Only and certain types of structure
"Runtime Error 340" that could happen when attempting to automatically
change the Movie-Only option.
Corrected "Runtime Error 6" during REBUILD on sources that have very
large TMAP tables in the IFO file.
Added code
to inhibit the "...is already small enough to fit " warning when using
the "No Compression" mode.
Made a
change to OPV prediction routines that will significantly improve output
sizing on certain types of movies.
the restriction that limited output size to 100% of the original. There
are rare occasions in which additional processing (e.g. frame
resizing/filtering) may need additional bandwidth that is made available
through extra reduction or movie-only modes. Generally, though, it is
best to use "No Compression" mode on sources that would hit 100% or
Added code
to include a "(DC)" to the description of audio and/or subtitle streams
if they are flagged as director's comments. Also added a "(F)" to
subtitles that are forced.
an error in which very rarely, under a specific set of circumstances, a
4:3 source (that has some portion of its stream flagged as 16:9) could
incorrectly change the aspect ratio to 16:9 in the IFO file.
the default background color to one that is more standard. The
background color only applies to skins that have no graphic that fills
the background (like "Windows Standard").
an error in which retail versions of CCE 2.67 before v2.67.0.27 would
set the wrong value for "video_type" in the ECL and perform OPV rather
than multi-pass encoding.
May 4th, 2005 (v0.90)
(v0.90a) Fixed a last minute syntax error.
Fixed an error (introduced in v0.89) in which Movie-Only mode could fail to execute under certain circumstances.
Fixed a source of "Runtime Error 9" during the encode phase when using OPV.
Fixed "Runtime Error 5" that could happen upon startup under certain conditions.
May 3rd, 2005 (v0.89)
Corrected an error in the way subtitle streams are identified in movie-only mode.
Fixed "Runtime Error 6" error that could occur in the ENCODE phase when attempting to use SLIDESHOW mode on the last segment of a stream.
Changed OPV encoding so it doesn't use custom matrices. Since OPV uses constant quality (quantizer) encoding, the pre-calculated bitrate shouldn't be used as a method of determining quantizer matrix as it really doesn't apply. This should make sizing predictions more accurate.
Corrected an error in REBUILD that could result in a "Runtime Error 6, Overflow" when still rebuilding segments selected as SLIDESHOW.
Modified code so that proper structure will be created whether or not DVD Decrypter's "Remove Structure Protection" is selected. Because
DVD-RB made corrections itself, in previous versions using a source for which Decrypter had also removed structure protection would in effect reverse itself and cause long blanks at title start.
Adjusted subpicture stream id collection so it will work properly with a multiple PGC source.
Corrected an error in which "Reduce by 50%" was not being read properly from .RBD files so it was not being set properly in batch encodes. (Changed in Pro v0.89 and unreleased Freeware)
Modified the project save routine so that now subpicture selections are also saved in the RBD file.
Corrected a problem in which attempting to call an encoder with an incorrect path could cause "Runtime Error 52" and cause Rebuilder to abort.
Modified audio and subpicture handling so that unreferenced streams (streams listed in the IFO attributes tables that are never used in a PGC) are labeled as such and defaulted to off.
Fix a bug in which selecting CCE Mode on the menu was incorrectly resetting the CCE path to the one selected for "CCE SP" regardless of the version truly selected.
April 28th, 2005 (v0.88)
Corrected an error in which a nonexistent source directory could cause unexpected errors upon program start.
Added code so the color lookup table (CLUT) of the source PGC is collected and stored for use in Movie-Only output. This should fix the unreadable green subtitles problem.
Corrected an error in which movie-only subtitle tables were being incorrectly updated.
Fixed an off-by-one error in which the final segment of a DVD was not being loaded into the segment viewer/editor.
Fixed a bug in which "Runtime Error 11" could occur under certain circumstances when using "No Compression" and movie-only mode.
Corrected an error that could cause incorrect sizing when changing parameters in the editor or choosing "Movie and Menus Only" or "Movies, Menus, and Slideshow Extras".
Modified the "missing frames" message. It now makes a reference entry in the status window and continues with the rebuilding process.(Changed on unreleased freeware versions as well). I have concerns that RB may be finding false positives.
Corrected an error in which MPEG Layer audio was not being accounted for properly in the DVD sizing and was not being removed properly when selected for removal. This was causing oversizing on homemade discs (commercial discs generally use AC3 audio).
April 25th, 2005 (v0.87)
(v0.87a) Corrected a minor syntax error.
Fixed an error in Movie-Only mode that caused a 'Runtime Error 9" on any DVD in which the main feature is not in VTS_01. Silly mistake.
Corrected an error in which Movie-Only mode may create a segment having a frame length of zero under certain circumstances which could cause
CCE version 2.70 to fail with "No M2V".
Corrected an error in which the CQ value for HC was being incorrectly written to the HC INI file. This could result in erroneous sizing and prediction loops in countries that use the comma as a decimal point.
Modified startup routines to prevent multiple instances of DVD-RB from running concurrently. This prevents any of a number possible errors from occurring.
Corrected an error in which the quality_prec parameter was being incorrectly converted to a 0-100 scale. Also improved the accuracy of the conversion and removed extraneous decimal values. (Pro v0.86, Freeware v0.84 & up)
Added code so the "Contents" help command will look in a subfolder "Help" as well as the DVD-RB executable directory.
April 23rd, 2005 (v0.86)
By popular demand I have added a new Movie-Only mode. By removing all extraneous material this mode guarantees the highest possible quality reproduction of the DVD's main film.
Modified the HC One Pass VBR prediction and parameter passing to take advantage of the new version (HCBatch, v014 or above). Hank315 has modified the new version to limit maximum bitrate. This makes it possible to use HC OPV and remain within DVD bitrate limitations. Outstanding work by Hank315. This encoder is giving CCE a run for its money.
For experts: I've added a flag under "Resize to Half-D1" that allows for adjustment in the method of resizing. While my testing shows most sources use a "generic PAR" and will be resized directly -- there are ITU PAR sources that need to have the left/right overscan areas stripped before resizing to Half-D1. The "Adjust for ITU Aspect Ratio" flag does that. Please note that the difference is very slight and in most cases would not be noticable. An ITU PAR incorrectly size would only show a 2% horizontal aspect distortion.
Added a fix that significantly increased the point at which the "Buffer Overflow 0003" or the "Buffer Overflow 0004" is reached. While this error is normally a result of a corrupted source, I have found at least one example in which the buffer overflowed on a legitimate source. This will correct that.
Again changed the method of encoding for very small segments. Some reports of CCE CRC errors make it necessary to create a "workaround". Now all segments of less than 60 frames are encoded using one pass VBR in CCE SP versions. Single frames encoded with CCE Basic are done in CBR. The Pro version still retains STILLS intact.
Changed the setting for ProCoder output so the .ECL file (using ECLPro) has "seq_endcode=1" for all encodes. Since DVD-RB now removes end codes automatically this save time by not requiring ProCoder to do so. Thanks to Robot1.
Modified the way DVD-RB calls web pages so it uses the default browser (it was making a call to "Explorer" before -- which always called Internet Explorer. Thanks again to Robot1.
Added a "Contents" option to the Help Menu. This will open the default file DVD-RBHELP.CHM in the DVD-RB home directory if it exists.
April 16th, 2005 (v0.85)
Added new support for OPV in the latest version of the HC encoder (HCBatch v013 or above). Hank315 has modified HC to give greater CQ value granularity improving prediction for the One Pass Variable Bitrate (OPV) encoding capability of HC. Now DVD-RB can use the same prediction algorithms developed for CCE OPV prediction to get high quality results in a single pass.
Reformatted the segment list box in the segment viewer/editor in order to make it more readable.
Added version checking/reporting for HC encoder.
There is now an INI value under [Options] that allows a target output setting that is specific to HC. You can set HCTargetSectors= in the same way as you would CCETargetSectors. When nothing is set, it defaults to the "TargetSectors" value.
Fixed "Runtime Error 9" error when attempting to run in one-click mode with an invalid directory.
Added code to reduce the likelihood of false positive detection and abort in the "missing frames" check routine of the rebuild.
Located and corrected a source of Runtime Error '9' during rebuild that would have happened on exceptionally long source M2V GOPs.
Added code to reset the vbr maximum bitrate to the maximum DVD compliant rate if creation of a .M2V file is not successful after 2 attempts.
Tweaked the OPV prediction algorithm to try and reduce the number of passes required to hit the target value.
Added code to properly identify and output an error message when the encoder path is invalid, this corrects the non-descript "Error 53".
April 13th, 2005 (v0.84.1)
Corrected an error in which some under certain circumstances some small VOB files may not be copied to the output directory and as a result might not make it on the final output.
April 12th, 2005 (v0.84)
Added an additional selection to the "Steal space from Extras" menu. You can now decide to steal only 10% in addition to 25%, 33%, and 50%. This is for folks who what to help the main movie, but keep the extras reasonably clear as well.
Added display of the percent completed value (for encoding and rebuilding) when DVD-RB is minimized.
Implemented new procedures to prevent unreported overflow errors that are occurring in CCE version 2.70 (both SP and Basic) from causing undersized builds (with frames missing). Tweaked several parameters that make the overflow less likely to happen, and also implemented a segment frame count verification in the REBUILD phase to flag it should it somehow again happen.
Added code that does a checksum verification of the source directory which is now used in the ENCODE and REBUILD phases. There have been several reported errors that were caused by attempting to encode or rebuild against a different source than was mounted at the time of PREPARE.
Made several changes related to how DVD-RB handles sources that have a width of 704 pixels. While these are very uncommon, they are within the DVD standard. There should be no more problems with reencoding these sources.
Changed the mechanism for setting maximum bitrate for VBR encodes. The previous method was overly aggressive and could cause rates that are too low that might force buffer overflows in CCE.
April 10th, 2005 (v0.83)
Added a new "hidden" setting in the [Options] area of REBUILDER.INI for enabling CCE's adaptive quantizer matrices feature: "CCEAQM=1" -- if you decide to use this feature, be very careful. The reason it is "hidden" is because, according to the CCE notes, it might be incompatible with some DVD players.
Corrected an error in which the value "qmat_idx=0" could be incorrectly inserted in an ECL file. The result could be the use of the standard matrix as opposed to the custom one you've chosen.
Fixed an error in the segment editor in which the amount of savings was incorrectly calculated when selecting "SLIDESHOW" settings. The result caused the "Recovered Space" to not return to zero as you switch between that and "No Action" mode. Final calculations were accurate, however.
Fixed an error in which some of the options that are not available in "No Compression" or "ReJig" modes were not properly enabling/disabling as modes were selected.
Correct a problem in which VTSs that were 100% ILVU content were not included in the output directory.
Revamped the processes associated with removal of subpictures. In previous versions it was sometimes possible for subs to be kept that weren't selected and (rarely) for the wrong subs to be removed when running in three-click mode.
Changed the default minimum bitrate (MIN_BITRATE) to 500Kbs. It was previously set to 100. This should negate the possibility of getting CCE "MPVA VBF ovg frame #" errors and DVD-RB's resulting "ERROR: Encoder failed to create .M2V. Aborted."
April 6th, 2005 (v0.82)
Fixed an error in which the decoder and HC paths were not properly aligned in the "Windows Standard" and the "Simple Blue" SETUP screens.
Implemented code to keep legacy Skins compatible.
Corrected an error in which audio streams recovered when blanking segments were not being accounted for. This could cause slight under sizing and would not give the recovered space to the feature.
Fixed an error in which loading a project file was not correctly setting either of the "Movie Only" menu only options checkboxes (including batch mode). Note that the movie would encode properly, it just displays the check mark incorrectly.
Fixed a "Runtime Error 75" error that can occur when files in the working directory cannot be cleared.
Corrected settings that may not be set properly during a project load (e.g. during batch encoding)
Fixed a memory leak that became especially noticeable in OPV analysis using v0.81. The symptom of this problem would be an increase in DVD-RB's memory usage over time as jobs are run, and eventually cause memory swapping and slowdown after a few jobs in batch mode.
Note: The leak was not persistent -- meaning it was corrected each time DVD-RB would exit and restart.
Added code to removed sequence end codes that are added as a default on some encoders. The end code at the end of a segment can cause problems on some players.
April 2nd, 2005 (v0.81)
Added a major "Pro" feature. A Segment Viewer/Editor option has been added to the "Options" menu. This editor (following the PREPARE phase) allows you to view each of the detected segments to see what it contains, you can then selectively blank out the video, or replace it with a SLIDESHOW. Saved space is reallocated to the DVD's main feature. Look for more options being added to the editor.
Added a "Movie and Menu Only" option to the "Mode" menu this will automatically detect extras following PREPARE and blank them out -- leaving the movie and menus fully functional.
Added a "Movie, Menu, and Slideshow Extras" option to the "Mode" menu. This option will automatically detect extra segments and replace them with a SLIDESHOW.
Added the ability to set the HC encoder path in the SETUP screen. This was requested by a couple of folks who wanted to put it somewhere other than in the DVD-RB directory.
Updated STILL FRAME code so frames are no longer reencoded but instead are kept intact and are reintegrated into the output stream.
Removed the path settings for DECOMB.DLL from the SETUP screen. The filter is (or at least should be) rarely used and I wanted to clean that up before going to
version 1.00. You can still set the path by editing or adding a "DECOMB=" line in the [PATHS] section of the REBUILDER.INI file.
Fixed the "Runtime Error 52" that occurred with the working path is invalid. A proper error message now appears and gracefully exits the PREPARE.
Changed the displayed text of the error message in an UpdateIFO routine so it spells out any missing cells that it has found during REBUILD. Formerly known as the notorious "Contact developer" message.
Added the "adjust_q_matrix=0" parameter to ECL files to prevent CCE from using adaptive quantizer matrices as there could be incompatibilities on some DVD players.
Corrected an error in which an exceptionally large segment (e.g. Cape Fear bonus disc) could cause DVD-RB to not integrate file into the output, causing an extreme undersize in the VIDEO_TS folder.
Added code that will automatically update your Skins if they are out of date. This is needed to ensure layout changes or possible new fields are also updated.
Changed the button for starting batch encodes from "Ok" to "Start" -- the OK button was confusing...
Modified the CCE Advanced settings dialog so the number of passes can't be changed when CCE Basic is selected, (CCE Basic does no more than 2 passes). This seems to have caused confusion for some who weren't aware of CCE Basic's two pass limit.
Removed "Dynamically Assign Cell Bitrates" as a menu option. Cell bitrates are always dynamically assigned now. Not doing so detracts from output quality.
Changed the actions taken for segments of less than 60 frames. Instead of setting to CBR, VBR is used but with a minimum bitrate. This more accurately correct the reason for adding this fix originally.
Changed INF file slightly. Added two new values to each segment section.
March 23rd, 2005 (v0.80)
Updated the HC interface so it now works with the newer HC Batch encoder. Please note that support for the previous HC encoder IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED. This freeware encoder is coming along nicely. While not the fastest encoder available -- the quality is outstanding. Please note: The HC encoder's .EXE file must be loaded in the same directory as DVD Rebuilder and the name must start with "HCBATCH" (e.g. "HCBATCH_012.EXE").
Fixed an error in which the checkmarks weren't being set or reset properly in the DC Precision and GOP Selection menus.
Fixed an error in HC encodes in which the maximum bitrate was always set to 9000Kbs. While this would most often have little impact there could be instances in which this could raise the total bitrate to a level that is greater than the DVD specification.
Added the "*WAIT 0" command to HC encoder settings. This will reduce overall DVD encode time on future HC versions.
Added code to do a check for existing .M2V file after a segment encode is completed, and to reencode the segment if it does not (up to 3 tries). There have been reports of missing .M2V files causing errors during rebuild. Most often this is caused by an errant keystroke stopping the encode accidentally -- but it appears that sometimes an encoder can abnormally exit leaving DVD-RB without an M2V to process. This code should reduce that likelihood.
Fixed an error in QuEnc encodes in which the maximum bitrate was always set to 9000Kbs. While this would most often have little impact there could be instances in which this could raise the total bitrate to a level that is greater than the DVD specification.
Corrected an error where under rare circumstances the calculated average and maximum bitrates could be set to the same value. This can cause some encoders to fail or freeze.
Added a "-maxbitrate" parameter to the QuEnc command line for segments less than 60 frames in order to ensure HC can work in the freeware version. These had been done at CBR due to problems seen in both QuEnc and CCE with very small segments -- it is needed because HC does VBR encoding only.
Made changes to the segment encoding code to better assure all segments are encoded properly.
Added an output line that displays how long the entire job has taken in "One-Click" mode.
March 16th, 2005 (v0.79)
Created a new menu item called "Advanced (Expert)" under the Options menu. Note to the beginners: The options under this menu should only be changed by those who are familiar with them and understand the impacts -- that is why it is only being added to the "Pro" version of DVD-RB. More to come.
Added customized MATRIX capability. Now custom matrices can be loaded from definition files. When run this version will automatically create a MATRIX directory in the DVD-RB path and load it will four default custom matrices that can be used with CCE (versions that support custom matrices), QuEnc, and HC encoder. A matrix can be selected for normal, low bitrate (< 3Mbs), very low bitrate (< 2Mbs), or for use against extras only (e.g. for half-d1). The appropriate matrix will be used based upon the bitrates DVD-RB calculates for each segment. A matrix editor is in the works by Rockas so additional custom matrices can be added. The selected matrices are saved in project files -- so if you use them be sure you know what they are before encoding.
Added the ability to select the Group of Pictures (GOP) size for encoding. In some circumstances you can get better quality by extending the GOP size. Be careful, though, as the DVD size limit is 15 frames for PAL and 18 frames for NTSC and some encoders can occasionally make GOPs slightly larger than the number specified. Warning: Do not select "18 Frame GOP" unless you know exactly why. Some encoders (e.g. CCE Basic) will not accept a value of 18 for the GOP size.
Added DC Precision to the Advanced Menu. You can now enter the value to be used to set the bit precision of the intra-block dc coefficient. Generally a low value is good for high motion scenes and smooth work better with higher DC precision values. If you don't know what it is: you should leave it set to the default!
Changed the configuration of the HC.INI file so that when using the HC encoder, the AUTOGOP function will be used as the default unless overridden by the "GOP Size" advanced option.
Corrected the SRI table computation algorithm to make FF/RWD offsets more closely compliant with the DVD standards.
Fixed an error that could cause the V_F/BWD_Exist2 flag of the SRI tables to be sometime set/reset incorrectly.
Corrected the QLB matrix switch so it works again with the QuEnc encoder (FREEWARE ONLY)
Added the "Create New Folder" option to the "Browse for Folder" dialog when browsing for WORKING or OUTPUT folders so people won't have to go in and out of the program when they need to create a new one. Thanks to Rockas and Ryan for pointing out the flag I'd missed.
Corrected ConvertToYV12() statement in AVS files so it is sensitive to interlaced sources. Also forced the insertion of ConvertToYUY2() when CCE is selected regardless of whether the AVSOptions selection. This was causing some problems for folks who mistakenly unchecked it.
Added code to prevent "impossible" Q values (as a result of extreme compression -- e.g. in Half/Half encoding where 50% reduction is also applied). This should prevent getting a "Runtime error 6" when the Q value gets too large.
March 7th, 2005 (v0.78)
Added "Skip PREPARE during Batch" option under the file menu. This is meant to assist those who are using RB-Opt. This option forces the assumption that you have already completed the PREPARE phase (and processed with RB-Opt) before beginning the batch sequence. This option is saved with project (RBD) files, so it can be set to a different value for each entry in a batch sequence. Notes: Setting this option when PREPARE has not been completed ahead of time will result in errors.
Added support for the HC encoder developed by HANK315. This independently developed encoder provides exceptionally high quality (with some sacrifice in speed). Note: In order to work you must use version .01 of HC (with *BATCH setting) and the file names as "HC.EXE" must be loaded into the same directory as DVD-RB.
Added Constant Quantization (CQ) One Pass VBR (OPV) mode support for QuEnc. This mode can dramatically cut down on encoding time and produce high quality output. Note: The nature of CQ encoding can make sizing less accurate, and the CQ prediction routine is new and needs some tweaking. The nature of CQ increments makes it a little like measuring with a micrometer and cutting with an axe. May tend to undersize, your feedback is welcome. Nic's QuEnc is getting closer and closer to CCE's capabilities.
Corrected an error in which encoder windows may not close properly when aborted during encoding.
Modified QuEnc command line to control maximum b frame setting.
Made mods to improve OPV prediction slightly for CCE
Added a check after each encode to warn if the resulting .M2V file was not created. This is to counter some #0003 errors that may be experienced during the rebuild phase of the affected segment.
Added file size checks so versions of QuEnc can be discovered.
Made a correction to the STILL FRAME detection algorithm. This will reduce the number of segments detected on many DVDs.
------------ Two Versions (Pro and Freeware) diverge -----------
----- Freeware version changes will be limited to bug fixes -----
-------------------- and minor improvements --------------------- |
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jdobbs softworks, PO Box 112, Pomfret, MD, USA, 20675
Can't do it right now? Don't worry. jdobbs softworks is committed to ensuring these high-quality DVD backup methods are available to the masses. So while the freeware version will, of course, never have the capability of DVD-RB Professional, it will always be kept current in terms of bug fixes.
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